The Emperor & the 12/23/22 Capricorn New Moon

The Emperor from the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck

This message today is for those of you who feel as if it has been a challenge to keep momentum on a project or situation in 2022. It seems that whatever this was for you, it would pick up steam, and then slow down. There was always a challenge or obstacle, or a distraction that came up that impeded your progress. And just as you would regain your footing, the scenario would repeat itself.

There may have been a very good reason for this! You most likely were experiencing a significant soul growth activation at the same time that you were trying to get traction on this project or situation. They were interlinked. In essence, this was a “first draft”. And now, as we end the year, you may come to realize that what you were trying so hard to get off the ground for the past 12 months, may not be what you want to pursue in 2023. You may be questioning yourself about now. But I assure you, you are just fine!

Your hard work has not been in vain! Let’s take another look. What you have is a foundation. But it is not the house itself. Have you ever built a home? There are always revisions to the plan before the actual building process begins. You may have poured the slab, but there were some required “adjustments” to be made to the blueprint! That is why you kept being pulled aside. There were some valuable experiences, lessons and insights that you needed to have. Its almost as if your future self was looking in on you and saying “not yet” or nudging you towards another path. But what you went through in 2022 is what got you to this point. So yes, you are much further ahead than you think.

And this leads us to our tarot card pull for this week. The Emperor.

The Emperor is all about leadership, structure, discipline, and focus. I often refer to The Emperor as a “hard ass” in my readings. LOL. He’s not into feelings and does not have time for excuses. But let’s be realistic. When we want to achieve something, when we have to get it done, when a situation calls for decisiveness and courage, when the time has come for us to be an authority at work, home or within ourself, The Emperor’s masculine influence is exactly the energy we call up from within.

This is an interesting card pull in combination with the upcoming Capricorn new moon on the 23rd.

Capricorn and The Emperor both have similar qualities such as building a solid foundation, self-respect, maturity, discipline, ambition, defining and achieving goals, responsibility, time and money, investments. They also both are a reminder that order and structure in our lives can be beneficial! It grounds our goals into reality so that we can attain them. It gives form to function (i.e. a solid plan). It also gives us the stability we require in order to have the freedom to focus on what really matters to us.

So, 2022 is almost over. You know what works, what doesn’t. Your priorities most likely have shifted as a result of your accumulated experiences from the past year. 2023 is going to be different. What areas in your life could benefit from the wisdom of The Emperor? Imagine, if you went to him for advice, what questions would you ask? How do you think he would answer? This would be an interesting journaling session.

Holding your crystals or having them nearby while journaling may help you “tap in” to this energy. Some helpful crystal suggestions are: Smoky quartz, hematite, garnet, malachite, aragonite, clear quartz, tourmilated quartz, red jasper, red tigers eye, bloodstone, carnelian.

Have a great week everyone! ❤️
