March 2024 Energies Overview

The transition from Pisces to Aries season. A time of new growth & possibilities!

March is a month of new beginnings and fresh energy. The new moon in Pisces on March 10th brings a wave of creativity and the opportunity to turn dreams into reality through careful planning, self-mastery, and dedication.

Pisces season can often bring up heavy emotions that may arise from current challenges that trigger old wounds. This week leading up to the Pisces new moon, if this is your experience, you are encouraged to expand your focus to see the bigger picture. A valuable karmic lesson understood and integrated now, will inspire you and be of immense benefit to you later. My advice is to get out of your feelings and take a step back. Pay attention to what the Divine is showing you.

As the sun enters Aries on March 19th, we enter the astrological new year. The fiery energy of Aries brings with it a sense of motivation and the drive to pursue our ambitions. It’s a time to take action and move forward with confidence.

The first eclipse of the spring season occurs on March 25th in Libra. This full moon lunar eclipse will set the stage for a new chapter that will unfold over the next six months. Relationships and finding harmony within our connections with others will be key themes during this time.

Overall, March is a time of transformation and growth. It’s a chance to release old patterns and embrace new mindsets & opportunities. Do your best to stay open to change, as nature’s new year is filled with Divine possibility and potential. ❤

Stay tuned I will have a Spring Equinox post up shortly!
