Theme for 2024 = “Eight” Year

The “eight” cards from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

In numerology, this number speaks of balance, competence, wisdom, leadership, money, and success by bridging the spiritual and material worlds. This number also corresponds to the eighth house in astrology, the realm of Scorpio. Its planetary rulers are Mars (traditional) and Pluto (modern). These planets initiate action, change & transformation.

The number eight is a powerful number! 2024 collectively, carries a theme of personal responsibility and the acknowledgement of one’s divine sovereignty. For many of you this will be a transformative year as number 8 is a karmic number as well. You may find that certain patterns & cycles will suddenly end on their own or by you initiating it by setting a healthy boundary, by adopting a new mindset or by controlling your emotions and thus, not reacting as you did in the past. You will think to yourself, oh my gosh was this really all that it took?

I see a lot of people reinventing themselves in 2024! Many of you will decide to change your hair and/or wardrobe as you embrace a new persona. New you, new life! You may also decide to move so you can pursue a better opportunity, save money, or just make a new start.

Get ready, because if your potential has felt limiting or stagnant, things open back up! There is a caveat to this blessing however. As we see the “8” symbol above their heads in The Magician & Strength tarot cards, it is your responsibility to maintain a clear, positive mindset this year! . Limit distractions by being intentional with your sources of input. The subconscious is extremely impressionable. Mindless habits, addictions, etc. can be reinforced if we are not paying attention to what we consume. The Magician embodies the attributes of focus and will. Strength embodies the attributes of inner strength, patience, and wisdom. Both are centered, grounded & present in their current environment.

The cost versus benefit ratio of your resources will be apparent this year. Internal & external space is at a premium in 2024. What is adding value and what is merely taking up space? Is there something that is having a negative impact or presenting a particularly difficult challenge? What is going well for you that you want to continue and/or build upon in 2024?

The tarot’s minor arcana is broken down to the four elements: Air, earth, water & fire. In general, the four elements in the tarot represent our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual experience. I will give you all a quick message for each of the four minor arcana “eight” cards. I hope the messages provide helpful insights as you begin 2024.

1) Eight of swords: The mental realm. Overthinking and self-limitation often are challenges highlighted with this card. This is a tough one. There is no white knight riding in here, honey. Looks like it will be up to you to take the first step if you want to make a change. Oftentimes a lack of perspective is the result of lack of information. Reach out for help, support, advice and/or do some research. The blindfold is coming off and you will see things in a new light in 2024. You are smart & capable and more powerful than you give yourself credit for! One last thing, Queen. Grab one of those swords on your way out. You can use it to cut through the lies & BS in the future. Believe me, you won’t be fooled again.

2) Eight of Pentacles: The physical realm. Your daily habits and routines add up over time! Practice makes perfect. In 2024 give it your all! Do you want to go to school or learn a new trade or skill? Or perhaps you want to embrace a new health & diet regime. Pentacles in the tarot can also represent money. What are your daily spending habits? Is there a way you can put more money into savings and investments this year? If something is overwhelming, break it down to smaller steps. Limit distractions. What you focus on each day either leads you closer to your goal or farther away from it. Choose wisely.

3) Eight of Cups: Emotional fulfilment is at the root of this card. It’s not terrible where you are, but maybe its not great either. If it feels like something is missing, perhaps you could use a vacation or change of scenery. Or 2024 may find you deciding to go in a new direction such as relocating, changing careers or jobs, switching majors in college, pursuing/ending a relationship, taking time out for extended travel, etc. The pursuit of happiness and sometimes, taking the road less traveled, is implied with this card. The eight of cups can reflect an internal, emotional process as well. Is 2024 the year you decide to move on or make a change?

4) Eight of Wands. Action, inspiration, growth! 2024 is full of forward momentum! You may want to upgrade your technology to keep up with the changes. AI will be in the spotlight. Some of you will enroll in training to learn more about it for work or on a personal level. If you’ve had something in the works, you most likely will see it progress or build momentum in 2024. Media distractions & disclosures will increase. Focus on YOU. Financially, the eight of wands brings in good news. However, it can be easy come, easy go, if you are not mindful of your spending habits (read the eight of pentacles above). Lastly, 2024 is the year to make positive changes that you have been putting off. Are you feeling inspired to step out of your comfort zone and try something different?

I look forward to seeing you next year! Happy New Year everyone! ❤

Winter Solstice. King of Cups. Heart & Mind.

King of Cups from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck & #19 from Law of Positivism oracle

The King of Cups upright & card #19 from the Law of Positivism oracle deck came out today. I thought the number of the oracle card was particularly interesting as today’s numerology 12/18/2023 adds up to #19.

This week is the winter solstice (December 21), which is the official astronomical start of winter. It marks the moment when the half of the earth is farthest away from the sun. It is the shortest day and longest night of the year. The winter solstice is observed by many cultures as it signifies the upcoming arrival of gradually lengthening days – the return of the sun.

In the past, the eve of the winter solstice was a time of celebration & reflection. In modern times, observing this shift in the season helps us reaffirm our primal connection to the cyclical rhythms of nature.

Heart & Mind.

I love the cards that came out for this week in relation to the winter solstice. The King of Cups upright is associated with the zodiac signs of Scorpio & Libra. A combination of intuition & intellect. He wears a fish emblem around his neck as a symbol of faith. It is this balanced combination of all three that allows the King of Cups to remain emotionally & mentally stable despite the tumultuous waves surrounding him.

Look at how the shadowy figure in the oracle card is looking at the King of Cups. As the winter solstice symbolizes a shift from darkness to light, we can tap into the energies this week to shift our emotional and mental state so that they serve us in a beneficial way, rather than the other way around.

In numerology, #19 adds up to #10, which breaks down to #1. This is the Magician card in the tarot. The Magician is a card of focus & will. The Magician is the conduit between spirit and matter. As Mercury is the planet associated with this card, we are reminded that harnessing the power of our mind, is paramount to our well-being & success.

The Sun changes signs this week, joining Mercury in the industrious sign of Capricorn. In conjunction with the winter solstice, this is a great week for shifting one’s perspective, and priorities, if need be, to align your mental and emotional state more closely with your future goals, a plan or state of being you want to embrace in 2024.

As the saying goes, thoughts are things.

Have a great week! ❤

This week: 1212 Portal, New Moon in Sagittarius & Mercury Retrograde!

A lot of astrological activity this week! 12/11/23

Tomorrow 12/12/23 is the new moon in the sign of Sagittarius. It has some tricky aspects to Neptune & Uranus giving it an air of unpredictability, while its conjunction to Mars adds fuel to this already courageous & optimistic transit in a mutable fire sign.

The numerology of this cosmic portal 12/12/2023 adds up to the number 13 this year. This number corresponds to the Death card in the tarot. This energetic signature provides an excellent opportunity for releasing & healing. The Death card in the tarot speaks of endings & transformation. An old cycle is complete, a new one begins.

The moon will be “increasing” until it reaches its conclusion (full moon) on December 27, and keep in mind that Sagittarius is a “big picture” type of energy. The momentum is there, but small details can easily be overlooked, especially since Mercury goes into retrograde on the 13th and will stay in retrograde until January 1st.

Review, release, reconsider & reassess are some keywords to keep in mind during Mercury retrograde.

This particular Mercury retrograde is square Neptune, which amplifies its affects. Neptune is the planet of dreams and illusions. So use your discernment before taking information/advice at face value. Keep in mind how you communicate to others as well. Misunderstandings are possible. The energies are quite amped up this week! Try to find some quiet time to focus and center as you may find you are more easily distracted than usual.

Double check all communications before signing or sending. Back up files, charge up your phones, confirm reservations, print out hard copies, etc. Delays are possible due to electronic glitches or other minor inconveniences. Slow down, remember to breathe and you’ll be fine.

Have a great week!

12/4/23: This week’s card-Judgement

Judgement tarot card from the Rider Waite Smith deck.

This week’s card: Judgement.

We are in the last month of 2023, and we’ve got some busy planetary transits happening! Mercury moved into Capricorn on the 1st, Venus enters Scorpio on the 4th and Neptune goes direct in Pisces on the 6th. Collectively, we are being supported to begin mapping out the direction we want to take in 2024.

In numerology, 2024 adds up to an “eight” year. The number eight represents success in the physical world through self-mastery & acknowledgement of one’s divine sovereignty. Initiative, truth, leadership, harmony, balance, and faith are some keywords for number 8.

Judgement. Gabriel’s trumpet. Do you hear the call?

Judgement is one card away from the end of the major arcana. Its overall theme is transition and rebirth of the soul. It indicates the closing out of a cycle, a shift in perspective, or a significant life change. The question most often associated with this card is: Have you been upholding normalcy in an area of your life that needs to be revised, reconciled, or released? Often this card appears when we are on the cusp of change. Once begun, the process itself can be joyful or challenging depending on the situation. But ultimately, it serves the highest good for all involved.

Planetary support:

Neptune direct in Pisces enhances our connection to the ethereal realm. Pay attention to synchronicities and intuitive messages this week. The universe speaks in symbols, so be aware of your surroundings! Venus moved into Scorpio on Monday. She is quite intense here. Powerful and perceptive, she has no qualms of showing you the truth of what lies beneath. Expect the unexpected. Talk less, observe more. You will notice subtle shifts & nuances that provide valuable insights as well as an opportunity for growth and/or closure.

If you are ready to make a significant change, December may not be the best time to take the leap, unless a plan has already been in the works. Mercury is going retrograde on the 13th and will stay there until January 1st. We are in the shadow period now, so things can begin to get a little wonky if you try to push it. Something here needs more time. Put excess energy to good use by taking care of items on your to do list and spending extra time with pets, friends & loved ones.

There is a divine metamorphosis happening behind the scenes. Don’t be too hasty. Trust the process. Others may be on edge due to planetary shifts. Extend them grace while you stay calm and go with the flow this week. ❤

Crystal recommendations: selenite, clear quartz, amethyst, celestite, apophyllite, prehnite, bronzite, moss agate, snowflake obsidian, aventurine, blue lace agate, pyrite, sunstone, bloodstone, malachite.

Have a great week! ❤