Seeing Beyond…

Ace of Pentacles & Two of Cups: Positive cards

Merry Monday everyone! Below is your message for this week:

Yes it’s true, your circumstances/environment may not be ideal right now. But we have the Ace of Pentacles here, which indicates a favorable opportunity and/or you are being asked to take a step in a new direction. This may be the first of many that are leading you towards the vision of what you have been holding in your mind’s eye for a while now.

The Two of Cups is also a favorable card. Some of you may have had a “mirror moment” recently. Where you know the time has come to transform in some way. Has your inner-voice or higher self been “speaking to you”? Nudging you to take action on making some beneficial changes in your life?

Maybe the time has come to step out of your comfort zone. Go ahead, put yourself out there and do some networking. Spirit is asking you to make connections with other people that will be of benefit to you either now or somewhere down the line. It appears that who or what you have been looking for is out there looking for you! Allow yourself to be seen. Consider accepting an invitation or hosting a social event or gathering, whether online or in-person.

The moon is in its waning phase this week. This is a perfect opportunity to release old baggage, negative self-talk, lack of confidence, etc. Whatever internal challenges you may be holding onto that are preventing you from living an abundant, fulfilling life. The opportunities are there, but you must have the mental and emotional clarity to see them when they show up.

Below is an excerpt from the Oracle of the 7 Energies, which sums up this reading beautifully:

“There are two ways to view the world and co-create with it. One is from a face-value perspective; what you see is what you get. The second is allowing your imagination to see beyond what something “is” right now and into to move into a place that doesn’t yet exist in the material world…. a place where anything you imagine has the potential to become real.

Don’t worry about the timing of things; that is in the hand of the Universe. Your job is to continue to imagine, take a few steps forward, then imagine some more. The Universe’s job is to make it real. What a fabulous partnership!”

Have a great week everyone! ♥️♥️♥️

Happy Valentines Day!

Choose the message that resonates with you!

Happy Valentines Day! I pulled three sets of cards for the collective. Whichever message you most resonate with, is the one that is meant for you! ❤🦋❤☺

1) Time / Strength: You are trying too hard. Give it time.

You may need to come to terms with the fact that no matter what you do, the only true control you have in this situation is how you react to it. Have the courage to let go of fear and doubt, and give the Divine time to work this out in accordance with your highest good. See this an opportunity for personal growth. Strong egos and high emotions need to be kept in balance. A direct confrontation is not advised. Finesse is required. Strength is a Leo card. This is a vibration of inner-strength, courage and leadership. You may be setting the energetic tone here, or someone may be watching to see how you respond. Show them how powerful you are, not with your words, but by your actions. Don’t allow your temper and/or passions to get the better of you. Be the best version of yourself. Take the moral high ground. Stand firm. Have faith in knowing this will work out in your favor as long as you stay calm, cool and collected.

2) Trust: / Six of Swords:Transformation occurs through acceptance. Once you accept the current situation it will automatically transform.

Look at the Six of Swords card here. The characters have accepted the fact that is time to move forward. To transcend the rough waters of the past and take the journey onward to distant shores where new opportunities await. Change is never easy, but it is the catalyst for growth. These cards indicate that there may be emotional and/or mental baggage that should be left behind. We cannot change the past, but what we can do is make peace with it and grow from it. We take the wisdom of those experiences with us as we travel onward. Is it time to move on? Note the six of swords can indicate an actual physical move. The number 6 denotes a harmonic integration of the spiritual and physical. It is a nurturing number, which can also indicate forgiving yourself and/or others. Have faith in the process. Look ahead, not backwards. Every day is a new day. This is a positive transformation. An opportunity for a fresh, new beginning.

3) Emotions are a natural and necessary part of life, but they can also distort your perception and cloud your vision. In order to see things clearly, you must let go of resentment / Ten of Cups

The Ten of Cups is known as a “happy” card. Happy life, relationships, emotional fulfilment. But are you focusing on the thorns instead of the roses at the moment? Happiness is an emotion solely based on perception. It comes from within. There is no outside person, place or thing that can make us “happy” if our heart is heavy with resentment. You are being encouraged this week, to take responsibility for your own happiness. The Ten of Cups in this reading, indicates that there are already positive things here, just waiting for you to take notice. And that there is more to come as well. Many blessings, a lot of love. Negativity can become a pattern. Consciously be aware of this and train yourself to focus on the positive aspects in your life. You will see that this emotional shift leads to some wonderful opportunities for connection and fulfilment on a much deeper level than you ever imagined.

Happy Valentines Day and have a great week everyone!

Take a step forward every day…

Knight of Pentacles from the Shadowscapes Tarot deck

Look carefully at this card. See the forest dwelling spirits dancing all around our Knight, attempting to seduce and distract him as he embarks on his quest through the enchanted forest? They’ve even hung some shiny baubles in the trees in the hopes they will catch his eye. To tempt him to stop short, to pull him away from the divinely lighted path in front of him, which represents his future.

His gaze remains steadfast however. This is a realistic, grounded Knight. He knows a successful future is laid down from each step of what has been achieved today. His future is worth more than a few shiny trinkets, that represent the folly of instant gratification. No, he understands his path has a greater purpose. He did not come this far, for the journey to end here. Flights of fancy will not ensnare this one. He urges his dragon onward.

The Knight of Pentacles represents movement within the earth element. Practical and steadfast, this card encourages one to remember that the small decisions we make every day lead us one step closer, or farther from our future goals.

I call the Knight of Pentacles the “slow and steady wins the race” card. This Knight reminds us not to give up. Even though sometimes it may feel like we are not making as much progress as we would like. It can seem insurmountable at times. But keep moving forward, even if it’s just one solid step each day. You will see. Your future self will look back and thank you. Because those small steps added up to a lot!

“It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow.” – Quote by Robert H. Goddard

Have a great week everyone! ❤🦋❤🌷❤