This week: Spring Equinox & Three of Wands

Three of Wands tarot card from the Rider Waite Smith deck

As we welcome the arrival of spring and the astrological new year this week, we find ourselves at a point of balance and renewal. The vernal equinox brings with it the opportunity to reflect on what we wish to see flourish in the coming season. It is a time to let go of the past and embrace the future, to plant seeds both literally and metaphorically, and to welcome the rebirth of nature. It is a time of renewal, growth, and possibilities.

People around the world celebrate the spring equinox in various ways. Some hold ceremonies or rituals to honor the changing of the seasons, while others simply take time to appreciate the beauty of the natural world. For many, the spring equinox is a time of hope and optimism, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always the promise of new beginnings.

The tarot card that came out for this week is the three of wands. This card reminds you to take time to nurture your dreams, cultivate your intentions, and trust in the process of steady growth that leads to stability. Enjoy the journey and have patience. The three of wands symbolizes creativity, potential, and development. This is a positive card that indicates that the seeds of your intentions are germinating. Stay focused and trust that your goals will come to fruition in due time.

Ways you can tap into Spring Equinox energy:

Decorate your altar or space with spring items. Fresh flowers, bunnies, eggs, feathers, candles, bird nests, spring wreaths & garlands, images of the sun, goddess statues, fruit, etc.

Colors: Yellow, green, blue, pink, orange, white, purple.

Crystals: Citrine, amethyst, clear quartz, carnelian, rose quartz, moss agate, lapis lazuli, selenite, sunstone, aquamarine, green jade, blue apatite, malachite.

Herbs: Lavender, rosemary, basil, yarrow, bay, mint, chamomile, rose, calendula, dandelion, nettle.

Have a great week! ❤

3/11/24: Tarot & Astrology updates for this week!

The Magician from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

The waxing moon moves into the sign of Aries on Monday, which motivates us to take inspired action towards our goals. If you set an intention with the new moon on Sunday, this week would be an opportune time to get started in turning your dream into reality!

Mars is in Aquarius until March 22, so we are open to new innovative ideas and may find ourselves willing to collaborate with a group or team to meet a common goal.

Venus moves into Pisces this week and will remain there until April 4th, which has her feeling passionate and romantic! Allow yourself to embrace creative, artistic pursuits and hobbies without judgement. It’s okay to do something just because you enjoy it!

In the love department, Venus in Pisces can be swept away by a good romance story! She tends to put on her rose-colored glasses when she is in this sign however, so be mindful as she may not notice if the line between illusion and reality becomes blurred. Advice: Follow your heart and have fun, but remember to take your head with you!

You may decide on a substantial purchase or investment this week. Venus in Pisces is not exactly the most practical, but Jupiter in Taurus sextile Saturn brings her back to reality by grounding her love of beauty and style with sound judgement, sprinkled with optimism and divine timing. Tap into this unique energy by brushing up on your charm and negotiating skills! And have faith in the abundance of the universe. “If it’s meant for me, it will be”.

Insights for the Tarot card of the week: The Magician (upright):

You have the skills and talent you need to make it happen. Stop overthinking and/or procrastinating. Take the first steps to turn a dream, plan, or goal into reality. Be careful of revealing the early stages of your plan to others – don’t tell them now, show them later. Put your best foot forward, others are taking notice of you. You see things others do not notice. This gives you an edge on the competition. Pay attention to intuitive guidance in the form of messages, dreams, visions and synchronicities.

Overall, the energy is quite positive this week! And literally, when The Magician upright makes an appearance, anything can happen. If you are magically inclined, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday would be good days for metaphysical workings such as road openers, better business, glamours, money spells, etc.

Suggested crystals to work with: Amethyst, spirit quartz, fluorite, citrine, green jade, tigers eye, sugilite, carnelian, aquamarine, labradorite, blue apatite.

Have a great week! ❤

March 2024 Energies Overview

The transition from Pisces to Aries season. A time of new growth & possibilities!

March is a month of new beginnings and fresh energy. The new moon in Pisces on March 10th brings a wave of creativity and the opportunity to turn dreams into reality through careful planning, self-mastery, and dedication.

Pisces season can often bring up heavy emotions that may arise from current challenges that trigger old wounds. This week leading up to the Pisces new moon, if this is your experience, you are encouraged to expand your focus to see the bigger picture. A valuable karmic lesson understood and integrated now, will inspire you and be of immense benefit to you later. My advice is to get out of your feelings and take a step back. Pay attention to what the Divine is showing you.

As the sun enters Aries on March 19th, we enter the astrological new year. The fiery energy of Aries brings with it a sense of motivation and the drive to pursue our ambitions. It’s a time to take action and move forward with confidence.

The first eclipse of the spring season occurs on March 25th in Libra. This full moon lunar eclipse will set the stage for a new chapter that will unfold over the next six months. Relationships and finding harmony within our connections with others will be key themes during this time.

Overall, March is a time of transformation and growth. It’s a chance to release old patterns and embrace new mindsets & opportunities. Do your best to stay open to change, as nature’s new year is filled with Divine possibility and potential. ❤

Stay tuned I will have a Spring Equinox post up shortly!
