Leo full moon 2/5/23. Solar plexus activation. Tarot card: Six of Wands

The Six of Wands from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

First, let’s talk a little bit about the symbolism of this transit. The numerology is interesting. It occurs on the 5th day of the month. As well when one adds up the entire date 2+5+2+0+2+3 = 14. It also breaks down to the number 5. The sign of Leo rules the 5th house on the zodiac wheel. The fifth house relates to joy, children, self-expression, confidence, drama, romance and overall good times. It’s planetary ruler is the sun. Its archetype is the majestic lion.

All I’m going to say here is, get ready! The lion does NOT sleep tonight!

This energetic Leo full moon is activating our solar plexus chakra big time to give us an extra boost to reframe areas of our life that are overdue for a reboot. The corresponding tarot card is the six of wands. In this card, we see someone in the spotlight. This person is a winner and is ready to take on the next challenge. It can denote achieving a goal, overcoming obstacles, as well as future success. There is also an element of respect in this card. As full moons often shed light on shadow areas in our life, you may find that this transit highlights situations and people that may not be or no longer be suitable for your highest good.

Are you respected and “seen” at work, in your relationships, friendships, etc.? Do you surround yourself with people and places that support your well-being? Do your friends and family cheer for you when you win? Or not so much? Where in your life do you feel confident, happy, sexy. And in what areas of your life do you feel overlooked, disrespected, closed-off or in general is not moving in the direction that you want it to?

After the full moon, it will enter its waning phase. Banishing, clearing, cleansing, de-clutter are some keywords for the waning moon. Often, we yearn for change, but our lives are so busy and cluttered, that we don’t have room for anything else to come in. I would also recommend an aura clearing bath, as well as energetically cleansing one’s personal space to “clear out” stagnant energies that may be lingering. If you would like advice on how to do this that is personalized for your situation, contact me.

When it comes to Leo, it’s all about heart. It has been recently scientifically proven that the heart has it’s own “consciousness”. Pay attention to what your heart and body is telling you. Stress and painful emotions often manifest as sensations in the chest area. The heart doesn’t lie. Be kind but honest with yourself. What needs to go or what do you need to limit your exposure to, in order for you to be happier and healthier? The Leo Moon is not complicated. It really is as simple as that.

Leo, as I mentioned above, also corresponds to children. And a Leo moon further amplifies this energy. Spending time with young ones has a way of bringing out our silly side. We laugh and play alongside them. Honestly, is there anything more joyful than a child’s smile? Spend time with kids if you can or nurture your own inner child by engaging in a youthful activity or watching funny, cute videos online. If you are trying to conceive, this week leading up to the full moon may prove favorable for you.

Crystal suggestions: Amber, citrine, malachite, carnelian, clear quartz, green jade, moonstone, tigers eye, sunstone

Have a great week! ❤️

Tarot Forecast for 8/15-8/21/22. The only way to go from here is up! Karmic shift, justice, crystal information.

Eight of Swords (reversed), Wheel of Fortune, Justice (Light Seers Tarot)

So, we are in the aftermath of the recent powerful Super Full Moon in Aquarius, and now the moon is just beginning its waning (reducing) phase traveling primarily through the signs of Taurus and Gemini this week.  

At the beginning of the week, we have the eight of swords reversed. Let’s be honest. We’ve all been here. Sometimes life gets rough and it gets the better of us. We can feel stuck, depressed, trapped. But look closely at this card. I love the artist’s interpretation of the reversed eight of swords in the Light Seers Tarot. We are witnessing the moment wherein she realizes who she is. The bonds are broken, the blindfold is off, and she is just about to rise up off her knees. A shift in perspective makes all the difference. If this is you, I’m cheering you on! The only way to go from here is up! 

Mid-week, we have the Wheel of Fortune upright. Your mental shift earlier in the week pays off!  This has freed up space for the Universe to bring in some good things. Stay open as the energies are influx. Literally, when the Wheel of Fortune is upright, anything could happen! You may get a new job, raise or promotion, begin a new project, experience a renewed sense of faith, health or confidence, receive good news, have a download of creative ideas, or perhaps a legal matter is finally concluded. Look at the images in the first two cards. This is a big shift. Our lady goes from being on her knees, to a perfectly balanced yoga “tree pose” at the top of the Wheel of Fortune! What just happened? Your future just took a turn for the better.

At the end of the week, as the moon travels through the quick moving air sign of Gemini, we have another major arcana card, Justice. You might sign a contract, wrap up a negotiation, speak your truth, give notice at work, sell or buy a home, or perhaps karmic or court justice (or both as the case may be) is served. Two, out of the three cards here are major arcana. This can denote important life themes or that universal/cosmic energies are exerting their influence.

This could be a big week for some of you. There is an opportunity for a peaceful resolution or a positive change. Something is granted, rewarded or released. Balance is restored.

The crystals I chose for this reading are kyanite and labradorite.

Kyanite is a potent stone that clears away negativity. Similar to selenite, it has the ability to cleanse and clear other crystals that are in close proximity to it. Its “broom” shape can be used in a symbolic “sweeping” motion to clear away negative or foggy energy from our auric field, other crystals, altar or space.

Labradorite is primarily used as a meditation and/or “psychic stone”, although it has many other properties as well. It aids us in connecting with higher realms of consciousnesses and the Akashic records. It promotes peace within our mind, body and emotions, allowing for restful sleep. Its protective nature helps to banish fears within our subconscious aiding us in releasing blocks so that we can access the full potential of our magick within. It inspires faith in oneself and trust in the divine process.

The dove feather symbolizes peace and restored faith. Have a great week everyone! ❤️

Today’s message from the Seven of Cups

Seven of Cups

Planetary association: Venus in Scorpio (Opportunities and excess)

Crystals: I chose rose quartz and peacock ore for this message ❤

You have an opportunity to shine as you have many gifts and abilities and are now in a position to utilize them to great advantage. A project you undertake now has the potential to be very successful. If you remain modest, and do not let success go to your head, help will be available to enable you to achieve your goals. Pay attention to detail. Be realistic in your expectations of yourself and other people. Live according to your highest values, stay away from gossip and drama, and fortune will smile upon you. Be willing to support as well as lead. ❤🦋

I-Ching w/Tarot divination

Selenite – Cleansing & Calming

You can feel selenite’s calming effects when you hold it.

I adore selenite! For people that are new to crystals, selenite is one of those must haves in any collection. This fabulous mineral is easy to come by. It is available online and I’ve seen it in stores such as Ross and Marshalls. It comes in a variety of shapes such as sticks, wands, candle holders, tumbled stones, spheres, pyramids you name it! Known for it’s soothing and calming energies, this mineral is a wonderful addition to any space.

Selenite is known as a clear vibrational mineral. It acts as a cleanser in the environment, almost like a filter. It’s high vibration properties can be used to clear negative energies from jewelry and other crystals when these objects are placed on it. It also has a soothing effect when it is held, and when it is placed in a living space. I particularly love my large selenite lamp!

For those who work with crystal energies, selenite can be used in combination with other crystals such as amethyst and clear quartz, to aid in the connection to the higher dimensional realms of the angels and ascended masters. Energy channelers often wear selenite pendants in combination with other stones, while they are working to aid in transmuting the energy and to keep the “lines” open.

Selenite can also be used on the outside of crystal grid patterns as a boundary to anchor the space and to keep the intention inside the grid clear. The selenite sticks are excellent for use in this way. I like to use four sticks (one for each direction). I will publish future posts including pictures on crystal grids. Sticks or pyramids can also be used to “grid” ones home as well!

Place selenite alongside lighted candles, or use selenite candleholders in a room or sacred space. You will instantly feel more relaxed! Selenite will dissolve in water over time, so be careful with it if you have it near you while you are taking a bath.

Some people think of selenite as a protective stone. But in my opinion, it acts more like a filter and/or cleanser. It transmutes the surrounding energies, but it does not necessary “block” them. I prefer to use selenite in this way. To “cleanse” a space to enhance the effectiveness of the other crystals that I am working with. When I work with selenite, I get the impression of calmness, clarity, and cleansing. Like taking a deep breath of cool air and exhaling ahhhhhh!

When choosing white selenite, look for clean, bright white pieces without a lot of other mineral inclusions (an exception to this is if you are purchasing a cluster – there are usually other minerals in those). But for the sticks, tumbled stones, spheres, etc. pure white is best.

Selenite also comes in a beautiful orange color. I have large crystal heart made of orange selenite as well as a candleholder. It is gorgeous in the evening, lit up with the candle burning inside. The energetic properties of orange selenite function the same as the white and is widely available.

Houston Gem & Mineral Show!

I went to the Houston Gem & Mineral show in Humble this past weekend. It was amazing! This was my first show – I have always either purchased crystals in retail stores or online. There were so many vendors with a huge variety of crystals (and fossils too)! It was wonderful to speak to the vendors and find out first hand the information about their gems. For example, the country of origin, the mines they came from, and the process that was used to extract them. There were some stunning (and expensive) rare specimens as well. What an experience to see these beauties up close!

I went a little “crystal crazy” I must admit (laugh). There were so many beautiful gems and larger specimens as well that would be expensive and risky to ship. I would recommend any crystal lover make the time to attend a show. You will be hooked! There is another event coming up in Conroe. I will post the information shortly. Here is the link to the HGMS show for more information.
