Mars energy & intuitive tarot messages for week of 2/12/24

The Sun, Page of Swords & The Emperor are the tarot cards that came out this week!

This week in astrology, fiery Mars changes signs from Capricorn to Aquarius. We are feeling passionate and excited about the week ahead and are eager to participate in the game of life! Put me in coach!

Collective intuitive tarot messages from The Sun, Page of Swords & The Emperor

Early in the week: The Sun. You are off to a good start as The Sun has you feeling optimistic and confident! Be sure and get outside for some fresh air this week.

Mid-week the Page of Swords: 1) Great idea, but more information is required. Check your facts and maybe dig a little deeper. 2) Good news! An offer is accepted, or a contract is signed or renewed. Review carefully before signing. Consider hiring professional or legal help for advice. 3) If you know something is right for you, don’t take no for an answer! But don’t take shortcuts either. A firm foundation is crucial to your long-term success. 4) Some of you are being considered for a promotion, job hire, or leadership role. Remember, small details make the difference between mediocre and exceptional. First impressions are important! Pair your qualifications with a professional appearance and demeanor. Stand out from the crowd. Show them you are the person for the job!

End of the week The Emperor: 1) The proof is in the pudding so to speak. You may be meeting with someone of authority to answer questions or to discuss an important matter. If you have done your due diligence, you will soar through this will flying colors. 2) Where do you need to have more structure and discipline in your life? If time seems to slip through your fingers, review your daily habits to see where small distractions or a lack of focus may be the culprit. 3) Your authority, choice or decision may be tested! Perhaps you are not being taken seriously? The Emperor tarot card indicates that you stand your ground. There is a whole new level of respect for you as a result. Good for you!

Have a great week! ❤

11/27/23: Gemini Full Moon. The breakthrough!

Ten of Wands, Eight of Wands & Seven of Swords from the Rider Waite Smith tarot

The full moon in expressive Gemini begins our week early Monday morning. The sun is in the opposite sign of adventure loving Sagittarius, closely accompanied by fiery Mars, while at the same time both the sun and the moon are squaring Saturn. Squares indicate challenging aspects in astrology. And when a planet squares Saturn, you can bet it adds a serious tone to the conversation!

Mercury, Gemini’s ruling planet is paving the way in front of the Sun & Mars also in the sign of Sagittarius, prompting us to ask that tough question, have the conversation, take initiative, reach out for help, do the research, etc. Whatever this is for you, be prepared to receive an answer or information that results in the removal of a blockage or obstacle that clears the air, or offers a solution, in an area of your life where you may have previously been feeling stuck or unsure.

Look how the ten of wands is pushing towards the eight of wands. The ten of wands indicates a heavy burden, responsibilities or putting in the work. The number ten signifies endings in the tarot. I often say that the ten of wands is the final lap of the race and/or the moment before a breakthrough. That is what I am seeing here.

Some of you may be ready to release some commitments from an already crowded plate. If you been shouldering more than your share of problems, workload & responsibilities, this week may give you the opportunity to speak up to ask for help, and/or to set healthy personal boundaries. The eight of wands indicates movement, change & communication. Be diplomatic, but firm, and you may be pleasantly surprised at the results.

Your words have power this week. Wield them responsibly and new doors will open for you!

Have a great week! ❤

11/20/23: Ace of Wands. Motivation & Challenges….

Ace of Wands from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

You are being urged this week, to begin a course of action on a new plan or project, or make an adjustment to your current strategy in response to an obstacle or challenge.

The Aces in the tarot signify the all-encompassing potential of the entire suit. The Ace of Wands corresponds to the element of fire. It represents divine energy, motivation, passion & impulse in its purest form. Some keywords for this card are inspiration, drive, courage, spirit, new beginnings, adventure, travel, creation, and virility.

The moon is in its first quarter waxing phase, as it travels through the signs of Pisces, Aries & Taurus this week. Its steady increase in strength as it travels through these signs, paired with the Ace of Wands, is a positive sign for those who are ready to move an idea from the realm of thought into physical reality. If you have a plan in progress, first quarter moons can sometimes bring up challenges or obstacles that require attention. Although inconvenient, this allows for adjustments to be made early on, preventing something from becoming a larger problem later.

If you are traveling this week, take the initiative to ensure a smooth trip. 1) Double check flight/hotel plans. 2) Have a hard copy print-out of all reservations in addition to your phone apps. 3) Leave extra early!

Have a great week! ❤

New Moon in Aries, Spring Equinox & Pluto changes signs!

The Aries new moon is coinciding with the Spring Equinox, super charging the energies of renewal & courage.

This fiery, independent new moon reminds us to reflect on how far we have come and to tap into our sovereignty as we begin nature’s new year. The Spring Equinox brings with it an influx of vitality that lights the spark for creative ideas and motivates us to initiate new projects.

Be aware, that on Tuesday, the Aries new moon is squaring Mars. This could result in conflicts or disagreements that can quickly escalate. Resist the urge to give in to impulsive words or actions! Rather, understand that this could be a truth being revealed. Take a deep breath and a step back. Ground your energy so you can see this through fresh eyes. A conflict resolution and/or a new path forward will be shown to you.

Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd for about three months before it goes back into Capricorn. Pluto’s activity this week, is enhancing the theme of changes & growth. In your personal chart, knowing what house transiting Pluto is in, will offer insight on what area of your life is being affected by this planet of hidden truths & transformation. If you would like to schedule a reading on this, let me know. 🙂

All in all, this is an exciting week! There is a lot of energy for us to process for sure. But we can tap into it and use it wisely to initiate a clear plan of action. Ideally, as this new moon is the beginning of a waxing (increasing) moon cycle, try to set at least a few goals this week, that can be achieved before the full moon on April 5th.

Below are helpful correspondences for the sign of Aries:

Aries Keywords: Confidence, goal-setting, health, new beginnings, action, independence, passion, courage, drive, assertiveness, dynamic, decisive, risk-taker.

Element: Fire
Gender Archetype: Masculine
Colors: Red, orange, yellow, white
Ruling Planet: Mars

Crystal Suggestions: Carnelian, citrine, red jasper, hematite, tiger’s eye, amethyst, garnet, green aventurine, pyrite, bloodstone.

Have a great week! ❤️♈️🔥🌱🌞

Virgo Full Moon & Saturn moves into Pisces: A moment of clarity.

Nine of Cups & Nine of Pentacles from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

This week we have the full moon in the sign of Virgo and Saturn changing signs into Pisces! Don’t be surprised if some changes come about in your life! Reconciliations, breakups, new relationships, as well as making the decision to change jobs, move, start a new health regime, start a new endeavor, or end one. Anything is possible!

The sun in Pisces (nine of cups) and the moon in Virgo (nine of pentacles) has us reassessing important areas of our life wherein we have known for a while that a change is needed. Emotional fulfilment, one’s spiritual path, self-worth and independence may be a few themes that come to light. You may have an eye-opening epiphany or a truth that comes out, that literally stops you in your tracks. As you decide on whether or not if this road is still the one that you want to be on. Whether it is or is not, this transit serves as a reality check that gives you the motivation to do what is best for you.

This particular transit, has an air of endings, the future and maturity. It’s asking us to take stock of where we’ve been and where we are going from here. Its almost the spring season. Time once again to cultivate our gardens. This week, the universe is asking us to evaluate the quality of the soil with fresh eyes. Do you plant your seeds again here? In the same spot as last year? Or is it time to cultivate some new soil?

Have a great week everyone! ❤️

Leo full moon 2/5/23. Solar plexus activation. Tarot card: Six of Wands

The Six of Wands from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

First, let’s talk a little bit about the symbolism of this transit. The numerology is interesting. It occurs on the 5th day of the month. As well when one adds up the entire date 2+5+2+0+2+3 = 14. It also breaks down to the number 5. The sign of Leo rules the 5th house on the zodiac wheel. The fifth house relates to joy, children, self-expression, confidence, drama, romance and overall good times. It’s planetary ruler is the sun. Its archetype is the majestic lion.

All I’m going to say here is, get ready! The lion does NOT sleep tonight!

This energetic Leo full moon is activating our solar plexus chakra big time to give us an extra boost to reframe areas of our life that are overdue for a reboot. The corresponding tarot card is the six of wands. In this card, we see someone in the spotlight. This person is a winner and is ready to take on the next challenge. It can denote achieving a goal, overcoming obstacles, as well as future success. There is also an element of respect in this card. As full moons often shed light on shadow areas in our life, you may find that this transit highlights situations and people that may not be or no longer be suitable for your highest good.

Are you respected and “seen” at work, in your relationships, friendships, etc.? Do you surround yourself with people and places that support your well-being? Do your friends and family cheer for you when you win? Or not so much? Where in your life do you feel confident, happy, sexy. And in what areas of your life do you feel overlooked, disrespected, closed-off or in general is not moving in the direction that you want it to?

After the full moon, it will enter its waning phase. Banishing, clearing, cleansing, de-clutter are some keywords for the waning moon. Often, we yearn for change, but our lives are so busy and cluttered, that we don’t have room for anything else to come in. I would also recommend an aura clearing bath, as well as energetically cleansing one’s personal space to “clear out” stagnant energies that may be lingering. If you would like advice on how to do this that is personalized for your situation, contact me.

When it comes to Leo, it’s all about heart. It has been recently scientifically proven that the heart has it’s own “consciousness”. Pay attention to what your heart and body is telling you. Stress and painful emotions often manifest as sensations in the chest area. The heart doesn’t lie. Be kind but honest with yourself. What needs to go or what do you need to limit your exposure to, in order for you to be happier and healthier? The Leo Moon is not complicated. It really is as simple as that.

Leo, as I mentioned above, also corresponds to children. And a Leo moon further amplifies this energy. Spending time with young ones has a way of bringing out our silly side. We laugh and play alongside them. Honestly, is there anything more joyful than a child’s smile? Spend time with kids if you can or nurture your own inner child by engaging in a youthful activity or watching funny, cute videos online. If you are trying to conceive, this week leading up to the full moon may prove favorable for you.

Crystal suggestions: Amber, citrine, malachite, carnelian, clear quartz, green jade, moonstone, tigers eye, sunstone

Have a great week! ❤️

Tarot message this week: First quarter moon in Taurus. Invest wisely.

Queen of Swords & Seven of Pentacles from the Wandering Star Tarot

Towards the end of this week, the moon is entering its first quarter phase in the sign of Taurus. The first quarter moon tends to bring up obstacles or highlight potential problem areas that need to be evaluated. It tests our resolve by encouraging us to come up with creative solutions. In the sign of Taurus this may be in the area of one’s finances, health, relationships, and other “earthly” matters.

It’s interesting that one of the cards that came out today, is the seven of pentacles, which corresponds to the sign of Taurus. The seven of pentacles reminds us to invest wisely. This is the classic “you reap what you sow” card. Progress is slow and steady, and this card indicates a certain amount of time and effort is required to make it work. This card can also speak of frustration if progress is slow. It also may ask us to carefully consider if we should continue to invest in something that is not yielding the results that we anticipated.

What in your life this week could use a careful review of the investment versus profit ratio? The Queen of Swords is in this reading, indicating that perhaps you would benefit from seeking impartial advice from someone you trust. She may also have shown up to encourage you to look at the facts and make a decision. It may be time to cut your losses and chalk it up to experience. Or she may give you some constructive criticism, tell you to roll up your sleeves and get to work!

Be prepared to hear what you need to hear, and not what you want to hear. The Queen of Swords either as a person, or as an archetype, tells it like it is! If you are connecting with this reading, what advice do you think she would have for you?

Have a great week! ❤️

Christine Mann (aka Texas Tarot Lady) is a gifted psychic intuitive that specializes in tarot, astrology & numerology. She is currently the Saturday in-house reader at Indigo Moons in Houston, TX. and is also available for private readings and parties/events. For more information, see her website at

This week: New Moon in Aquarius, Ace of Wands, Tigers Eye: Yes!

Ace of Wands from the Rider Waite tarot deck & Tiger’s Eye crystal card

This Saturday, we have the first new moon of 2023 in the sign of progressive Aquarius. New moons mark the beginning of a new cycle. I find it interesting that the tarot card that came out for this week is the Ace of Wands and the crystal card is Tiger’s Eye. All the Aces in the tarot indicate new beginnings and potential. And both the Ace of Wands and the tigers eye crystal carry the frequencies of courage, fire, clarity, self-sovereignty, and faith in oneself. With this dynamic trio working together, you may be feeling inspired to make some positive changes or start something new this week!

There’s a saying that five seconds of courage can change your life. This may be your message to initiate a plan of action. The Ace of Wands upright is a “yes”. Weigh your options carefully of course. But don’t let self-doubt, fear or overthinking stand in the way of a good opportunity!

Tigers eye is an “all purpose” crystal that assists with psychic clarity, courage, protection, and helps one to channel their personal power in a constructive manner. It is also aids in lifting one’s mood, while at the same time, calms an overactive mind. Tigers eye carries a mid-level vibration which is well-tolerated by even very sensitive empaths. Try carrying a tigers eye tumbled stone or wear a bracelet or pendant this week to connect with this powerful, yet gentle, stone as you embark on your exciting new quest!

Have a great week everyone! ~Christine ❤️♒️🔥

Friday the 13th unlucky? Not!

Friday the 13th belongs to the goddess!

Friday the 13th unlucky? A few thoughts…

Friday, is the day of the Goddess! Corresponding to the Goddess Freya and ruled by the planet Venus, this day is a powerful time to set intentions and honor the gifts that the Goddess bestows upon us (creativity, sensuality, fertility, health, love, wisdom, beauty, the cycle of life/death/rebirth & magic).

Number 13 corresponds to the Death card in the tarot. This card is symbolic of the cycle of death and rebirth. Speaking of cycles, interestingly enough, number 13, also corresponds to the average number of monthly cycles a woman has during the year.

The number 13 adds up the number 4 which carries the energy of stability. And how does the Goddess with her never-ending, tumultuous cycles provide stability? By being the vessel from which all life on the planet springs forth from. The Goddess ensures the continuance of the cycle of life on this planet. No matter what happens, the earth continues to turn, and life goes on.

I hope this post was helpful in offering you a different perspective!

“I have called on the Goddess and found her within myself” (quote by Marion Zimmer Bradley)

The Emperor & the 12/23/22 Capricorn New Moon

The Emperor from the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck

This message today is for those of you who feel as if it has been a challenge to keep momentum on a project or situation in 2022. It seems that whatever this was for you, it would pick up steam, and then slow down. There was always a challenge or obstacle, or a distraction that came up that impeded your progress. And just as you would regain your footing, the scenario would repeat itself.

There may have been a very good reason for this! You most likely were experiencing a significant soul growth activation at the same time that you were trying to get traction on this project or situation. They were interlinked. In essence, this was a “first draft”. And now, as we end the year, you may come to realize that what you were trying so hard to get off the ground for the past 12 months, may not be what you want to pursue in 2023. You may be questioning yourself about now. But I assure you, you are just fine!

Your hard work has not been in vain! Let’s take another look. What you have is a foundation. But it is not the house itself. Have you ever built a home? There are always revisions to the plan before the actual building process begins. You may have poured the slab, but there were some required “adjustments” to be made to the blueprint! That is why you kept being pulled aside. There were some valuable experiences, lessons and insights that you needed to have. Its almost as if your future self was looking in on you and saying “not yet” or nudging you towards another path. But what you went through in 2022 is what got you to this point. So yes, you are much further ahead than you think.

And this leads us to our tarot card pull for this week. The Emperor.

The Emperor is all about leadership, structure, discipline, and focus. I often refer to The Emperor as a “hard ass” in my readings. LOL. He’s not into feelings and does not have time for excuses. But let’s be realistic. When we want to achieve something, when we have to get it done, when a situation calls for decisiveness and courage, when the time has come for us to be an authority at work, home or within ourself, The Emperor’s masculine influence is exactly the energy we call up from within.

This is an interesting card pull in combination with the upcoming Capricorn new moon on the 23rd.

Capricorn and The Emperor both have similar qualities such as building a solid foundation, self-respect, maturity, discipline, ambition, defining and achieving goals, responsibility, time and money, investments. They also both are a reminder that order and structure in our lives can be beneficial! It grounds our goals into reality so that we can attain them. It gives form to function (i.e. a solid plan). It also gives us the stability we require in order to have the freedom to focus on what really matters to us.

So, 2022 is almost over. You know what works, what doesn’t. Your priorities most likely have shifted as a result of your accumulated experiences from the past year. 2023 is going to be different. What areas in your life could benefit from the wisdom of The Emperor? Imagine, if you went to him for advice, what questions would you ask? How do you think he would answer? This would be an interesting journaling session.

Holding your crystals or having them nearby while journaling may help you “tap in” to this energy. Some helpful crystal suggestions are: Smoky quartz, hematite, garnet, malachite, aragonite, clear quartz, tourmilated quartz, red jasper, red tigers eye, bloodstone, carnelian.

Have a great week everyone! ❤️
