New Moon in Aries, Spring Equinox & Pluto changes signs!

The Aries new moon is coinciding with the Spring Equinox, super charging the energies of renewal & courage.

This fiery, independent new moon reminds us to reflect on how far we have come and to tap into our sovereignty as we begin nature’s new year. The Spring Equinox brings with it an influx of vitality that lights the spark for creative ideas and motivates us to initiate new projects.

Be aware, that on Tuesday, the Aries new moon is squaring Mars. This could result in conflicts or disagreements that can quickly escalate. Resist the urge to give in to impulsive words or actions! Rather, understand that this could be a truth being revealed. Take a deep breath and a step back. Ground your energy so you can see this through fresh eyes. A conflict resolution and/or a new path forward will be shown to you.

Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd for about three months before it goes back into Capricorn. Pluto’s activity this week, is enhancing the theme of changes & growth. In your personal chart, knowing what house transiting Pluto is in, will offer insight on what area of your life is being affected by this planet of hidden truths & transformation. If you would like to schedule a reading on this, let me know. 🙂

All in all, this is an exciting week! There is a lot of energy for us to process for sure. But we can tap into it and use it wisely to initiate a clear plan of action. Ideally, as this new moon is the beginning of a waxing (increasing) moon cycle, try to set at least a few goals this week, that can be achieved before the full moon on April 5th.

Below are helpful correspondences for the sign of Aries:

Aries Keywords: Confidence, goal-setting, health, new beginnings, action, independence, passion, courage, drive, assertiveness, dynamic, decisive, risk-taker.

Element: Fire
Gender Archetype: Masculine
Colors: Red, orange, yellow, white
Ruling Planet: Mars

Crystal Suggestions: Carnelian, citrine, red jasper, hematite, tiger’s eye, amethyst, garnet, green aventurine, pyrite, bloodstone.

Have a great week! ❤️♈️🔥🌱🌞