Gemini season: The Lovers 5/21/21

The zodiac sign of Gemini is represented by The Lovers card in the Major Arcana

Today, the sun moves into Gemini. An air sign which is represented by The Lovers in the Major Arcana. One of the more popular cards in the deck, The Lovers represents, balance, unification, clear communication, decisions and connections on all levels (within ourselves, with other people, as well as our connection to Source, God/Goddess, Universe, Divine, etc.)

Today’s message:

The Lovers, as it is the next card that comes after The Hierophant, is a reminder to be mindful of our internal moral compass. Are you considering all the long term effects of a current decision? Is there something tempting that is being presented to you that looks good on the surface, or may appear be a shortcut to something that you have been wanting to achieve, but is there a caveat attached that requires you to compromise your personal values or integrity in some way?

The Lovers encourages you to bring into balance the information received from both the conscious mind and the heart. But ultimately, your heart will lead the way. What FEELS right to you? Stay solid in your truth. Take the “high road”. Although it appears to be the more challenging path now, it pays off with big dividends later. ❤

“The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand.” Robert Valett