Three card “frequency” reading – Strength, The High Priestess & Death.

Three card reading: Strength, The High Priestess and Death. With the eight of cups as the underlying message at the bottom of the deck.

This is a tarot spread formation I found on the internet which looked interesting. It is a “current frequency/energy” three card reading. The card positions are defined as follows:

  1. My current frequency (energy I’m emitting) – Strength
  2. What I’m currently attracting with my energy – The High Priestess
  3. How I can attract more positivity and abundance – Death
  4. Bottom of the deck – Eight of Cups

If these images resonate with you, read on:

The first card is Strength (card position: my current frequency – the energy I’m emitting). This card is about inner strength. Personal strength, being strong without domineering. “In one’s quiet power” so to speak. Confidence without ego. As you can see in this card, the woman is taming the lion with her bare hands. This is through her quiet strength, confidence, positive connection and love. This can indicate a message to someone that they are stronger and more talented than what they think they are or that others see them in this light.

The second card is The High Priestess (card position: what I’m currently attracting with my energy): The High Priestess is sitting in front of the veil which divides the physical and hidden worlds. She embodies the “dark” feminine side of magick and spirituality. Psychic abilities, intuition, the mysteries of life, the occult. Let your intuition guide you as there is hidden knowledge behind the veil. There is more than what you see. I get the message from The High Priestess in this reading that she is encouraging you to keep going, keep learning, there’s more.

This is a mysterious card for this position. So what are you attracting? The High Priestess does not reveal her secrets so easily. But something is definitely in the works behind that veil. You may be experiencing synchronicities (such as being in the right place at the right time), or notice repeating numbers, and/or symbols in the form of animals, birds, nature, words, images, etc. More will be revealed to you when the time is right. I have a feeling that the person who resonates with reading already has a pretty good idea. Pay attention to the signs. Trust the messages you receive. You will know.

The third card is Death (card position: how can I attract more positivity and abundance). The Death card in this reading is a good sign, as it indicates transformation by way of letting go of the past. With Death, comes rebirth. In this position with the other two cards, the message I received here is you are acknowledging your inner strength. You have changed from the person you once were. Smart, confident and talented, you have always had this in you, but now you are actively incorporating these positive aspects of yourself into your conscious awareness. A new you has emerged. In the past, insecurities and doubt may have prevented you from shining your light. But now, this new you is inspired to take on new challenges and opportunities. This is what will attract the positivity and abundance that you seek.

The Eight of Cups at the bottom of the deck (the underlying message of the reading) confirms the above. In this card the eight cups are standing up, so things are okay where they are. But the character in the card is walking away. Something has changed. The status quo no longer fulfills his needs. He leaves the cups behind and is off to pursue a new adventure.

” And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom” Anais Nin

12/12/2019 Full Moon (12/12/12 portal). Higher perspective. A Tarot interpretation

Number 12 in the Tarot: The Hanged Man. A higher perspective

So on December 12, 2019 at 12:12 am the full moon was in Gemini. This is a significant full moon! Look at the numbers! And to top it off, this moon was in it’s fullness at 12:12 am. Wow!

So as I pondered this occurrence, I thought of the Tarot and the 12th card in the major arcana. It is The Hanged Man.

The Hanged Man can translate to many meanings depending on the cards around it. But some key words that come to mind for me when I see this image is self-sacrifice, planning, taking a pause, spiritual development, personal revelation, reflection on one’s predicament, a stalemate ie., unable to move and/or make a final decision at the present time, pondering a decision, higher awareness/consciousness, surrender, accepting the current circumstances as they are, wisdom obtained through patience, humility, learning karmic lessons, martyrdom, relinquishing control or the illusion of control. These are just a few.

The card that comes before The Hanged Man is Justice. Is The Hanged Man waiting for “justice to be served”? Perhaps he is holding onto something from the past that has run it’s course and needs to be let go of. A good example of this is holding a grudge against someone. Holding grudges keeps a person “connected” to that other person that hurt them. This keeps them in a “victim” mindset, which prevents them moving forward with their life because they are “stuck” in the pain of the past. In a more literal sense, this card can translate to someone that is actually waiting on an outcome, such as a court decision.

Or perhaps The Hanged Man is sacrificing himself for others, taking on the role of a martyr. By taking on this role, this allows the “martyr” to control others by guilt. It can also be a symptom of lack of self-worth or a need to practice better personal boundaries. This person may need to learn how to speak their truth and say “no”. Or perhaps this person is in a less than ideal living or work situation but is unable to move for various reasons.

Maybe Justice served a karmic life lesson that requires The Hanged Man to go within and do some soul searching before he figures out the correct answer that will set him free.

Or is the hanged man there as a willing participant, taking a pause in his life to reflect on who he truly is, to plan a new direction for his life?

We are not “told” why The Hanged Man is there. Because The Hanged Man is us. We are all The Hanged Man at various times in our lives.

What does The Hanged Man image mean to you? If you notice, he is alone on this card. There is no one there to untie him. He must free himself from whatever the situation is that put him there in the first place. The light around his head is a symbol of enlightenment. The “aha” moment we all get when we have an epiphany.

The card after The Hanged Man is Death. This is the release of the old. Old patterns, old cycles, discarding physical items in our environment that no longer serve us, old limiting beliefs, old systems, the end of destructive behaviors, it can be anything. To make way for the new, the old must die.

When The Hanged Man realizes the truth of what it is he needs to deal with, or let go of, he frees himself from the illusion of his self-imposed bondage. Death sets him free.

After Death is Temperance. This is where we learn to balance ourselves. To operate on a more even keel so that we do not make the same mistakes again. Our time as The Hanged Man has served us well. We have learned the lesson and are moving forward.

This brings us back to this amazing full moon in Gemini. Gemini is an air sign, which is connected to thinking, communicating, writing, and being the twins, also signifies mental flexibility i.e, the ability to change one’s mind when presented with evidence/information, and a balanced mental perspective. Gemini energy is a quick analytical thinker. It does not let emotions cloud it’s judgement. Gemini is the swords suit in the tarot. When Gemini sees a decision that needs to be made, or that a change needs to happen, it cuts to to the truth, makes the choice and is done with it.

This energy pushes us out of our comfort zone and shows us the truth in an analytical way. I get the image of Spock from Star Trek here! No excuses, it is what it is. The facts are in front of you. On a larger scale, we are seeing this energy playing out in the media with all the exposing news stories coming out. Secrets are being brought into the light so the truth can be witnessed and thus, dealt with, and healed.

On a more personal note, we may see this energy expressing itself in our lives. Old wounds and aspects of our shadow which we have kept suppressed are coming to the surface so we can understand it and release it. To enable us to transition into 2020 with a renewed sense of self and purpose.

The Gemini card in the Tarot is the Number 6, Lovers. This is the coming together of energies, bringing them into balance so that we can move forward with a new healthier perspective. Energetically, both the feminine and the masculine are equal in their own right. Each has their divine part in the universe and are to be respected and loved for what they are. Only when the two are in balance, can true progress/forward movement happen. That’s when the energy moves on to the next card in the tarot, Number 7 the chariot.

2020 is a “four” year. This should be interesting for all of us, as the number four is a stabilizing energy. We bring ourselves into balance. We come out of 2019 which is a “three” year and with our new perspective, build a new solid foundation from the chaotic creative three energy. The 12/12/12 portal (3/3/3/) is a sign for us to create a new perspective within ourselves, our communities and on the planet. The alignment of the divine masculine and divine feminine energies (duality) to bring our awareness back into balance. With this new consciousness, we will clearly see what is not working so we can release it. Once we let the old “die”, we can begin to rebuild something better that is more in alignment with our higher awareness.

The Hanged Man is a message of higher perspective: “When we know better, we do better”

The Empress with ten of swords as a clarifier

Past challenges overcome. New beginnings!

When these cards came out, right away, I received the message of new beginnings. A new way of thinking, a new cycle has begun in your life. If you notice, both the people in these cards are alone. This to me, signifies that this is inner work that has been completed. You realize your inner divinity, recognize that inner spark, and as such, how powerful you are!

The old ways of feeling trapped, and/or a cycle of being in a victim mindset is behind you. Perhaps you have been through a rough patch in your life. You are no longer the person you once were. The Empress has emerged to assist you in creating the new you!

When I saw these cards, I got the impression of taking a deep, cleansing breath of crisp, spring, fresh air and letting it out. As if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. The Empress has overcome the inner fears that have been holding her back for so long. This could be a fear of speaking up, a fear of what other people may think, a fear of success or of not being “good enough”, or perhaps root chakra based fears. An example of this is fear of independence, i.e., like one cannot survive on their own. Everyone has their own inner challenges.

A few key words for The Empress are creation, nurturing, self-love and love of others, self-acceptance, confidence, femininity, mother earth and fruitfulness. Her archetype is the divine mother, the feminine power of creation itself.

A quick note for a very few of you, this could be a message that indicates an actual pregnancy. With the ten of swords as a clarifier, this can signify that this blessing has come after overcoming perhaps some fertility issues. Or that you have been trying to conceive for a while. Congratulations!

In all these cards are very positive! They indicate positive new energies/opportunities coming into your life. The old ways of thinking or past challenges/obstacles are behind you and the energies in your life are moving forward with a new sense of renewal.

Knight of Wands: Quick message

The Knight of Wands “fire energy” needs to be tempered with practicality.

The Knight of Wands is a fiery, passionate, creative energy. A “masculine” active energy (I want to clarify here, this is archetypal energy I am referring to, so this aspect pertains to women and men equally). This card indicates moving forward on what it is that you are passionate about, what it is that motivates you and “gets you going”. This can apply to any area of your life: relationships, work or personal. It also can indicate someone pursuing their dreams and making them come true by taking action to make it happen.

The Knight of Wands can be impetuous. For example, that new passionate love that has come into your life, may fizzle out just as quickly as it came in. For work, this can translate into putting everything you have into a new business or creative project, without balancing out the practical aspects as well, for example, setting up your financial books and records, meeting with an accountant or attorney to be sure your business is in compliance with laws, etc.

So if you are in this energy or see it heading in your direction, do your best to embrace the positive aspects of it, but be careful not to be consumed or “swept away” by it. Use this creative fire as motivation.

Be sure you have all the information before moving forward. The Knight of Wands fiery inspiration needs to be tempered with practicality for the best results.