This week: All things in moderation. Messages for work, home & personal

Tarot cards this week. Its a bit rough right now, hang in there! Tarot Deck: Rider Waite Smith

The cards that came out this week are: Ten of Wands, Temperance and King of Wands reversed. There is an interesting dynamic here that is revealing an element of frustration. Fortunately, the current planetary energies are very supportive with Mars exalted in the sign of Capricorn in a positive aspect to Uranus in Taurus.

The moon is in its waning phase, which helps diffuse excess energy as well, as it moves primarily through the signs of conscientious earth element Virgo and solutions-oriented Libra, entering the sign of Scorpio much later in the week.

Overall, the above planetary positions have a “grounding” effect on the collective. We have the confidence to address challenges head-on, while remaining sensible, realistic & results oriented.


Work: While short bursts of maximum output are certainly doable, this situation has over time, taken a lot out of you! A few of you may be dealing with an unreasonable authority figure. You may be working long hours or multiple jobs. Others of you may be entrepreneurs that have been burning the candle at both ends. There is potential burnout indicated here. It may be time to talk to HR, update your resume, hire some help as well as allow for extra rest & TLC on your days off so you can recharge.

Home: I sense an unbalanced division of labor and/or responsibilities here. Drop some of these wands, not all of them are yours to carry. You are very capable, so others could be assuming that you’ve got things handled. Tell them you need a hand. Take the initiative. Set firm & healthy boundaries. There may be some form of overindulgence or overspending happening in the household. Wednesday or Thursday would be good days to have that heartfelt conversation to get things back on track.

Personal: You are on the cusp of a breakthrough! Whatever this is for you, do not give up! For sure, the road has been tough, but tens in the tarot indicate completion. Judging from these cards, I would say the most difficult part is behind you. The King of Wands reversed is feeling a bit disheartened. But you will see an improvement very soon.

Have a great week everyone! ❤

Full Moon in Leo. Five of Wands & Five of Swords.

Tarot cards for Full Moon in Leo: Strength, five of wands, five of swords. (Rider Waite Smith)

The first full moon of 2024 on Thursday, in the sign of Leo, illuminates the fifth house area of our lives. This house includes aspects such as children, our individuality, drama, creativity, sensuality, our inner child, and the sources of joy in our life that inspire & “light” us up.

What are the special talents or passions that make you stand out and sparkle in the world? What makes your heart sing? The generous nature of Leo encourages not only personal brilliance but also the radiance of those around it. Leo loves a good time and wants everyone else to have a good time too!

On the shadow side, this moon highlights influences that may be dimming our light. Excessive drama or strife in our surroundings, or internal wounds that undermine our confidence and inhibit our self-expression, are aspects to consider. Nothing dampens Leo’s spirit faster than perpetual negativity and harsh criticism. This includes negative self-talk as well!

While healthy, realistic parameters are important (Leo energy can be quite dramatic LOL), this full moon asks us to carefully discern what in our environment provides a supportive influence and what is unsupportive, chaotic, or stifling to our heart and spirit.

The tarot cards representing the energy of this full moon are the Five of Wands (the moon) and the Five of Swords (the sun). In tarot, the fives denote conflict and change. This first full moon of 2024 in the sign of Leo, is encouraging us to engage in some shadow work and self-evaluation so that we can move forward.

Don’t be surprised if a familiar conflict or recurring theme surfaces around the time of this full moon. Although initially triggering, it offers us an opportunity to opt out of an old storyline by breaking free of a cycle or pattern that has no reasonable resolution. This frees our energy to focus on healthier and happier endeavors & relationships.

This week, try to engage in activities that are fun and nurture your heart. A few ideas are taking an inner child workshop, watching a funny movie, calling an old friend, getting together with friends or family, participating in activities with your children or pets, or scheduling a session with a trusted advisor or therapist. Talking things out in a safe space can be extremely liberating!

This weekend, tap into Leo’s flair for excitement & romance by treating yourself to something different, or by doing something special with your partner or spouse.

Have a great week! ❤

Fox spirit. Mind & matter.

The Lovers, The Devil & Fox Spirit

I saw a pair of foxes on my property this am. I have NEVER seen foxes in my area & I have lived here for about 20 years! This inspired me to delve into the symbolism of the Fox today. ❤️

Fox symbolism: Equipped with keen senses, problem-solving skills, adaptability & intelligence, this resourceful animal’s appearance can be considered either benevolent or malevolent depending on one’s culture & folklore.

In the tarot, the Fox archetype could be compared to The Magician or The Trickster (when this card is reversed).

Today’s numerology adds up to 15/6. Depending on the situation, this can correspond to The Devil or The Lovers in the tarot. Here we have another dual play on archetypes!

This week’s message:

When I looked at these cards, I was reminded of a quote that says “whether you think you can or think you can’t you’re right.”

Of course, I know you CAN! That is why I placed The Lovers card OVER The Devil in this spread!

… Reclaim the power that is truly yours. Know that you have the power to be anything and everything. Use your mind and thoughts to plant the seeds of visions and ideas that will become your reality”. ~#15 Law of Positivism Oracle

Fox message: “You are swift & smart. Solutions to problems are easily found. Always listen to your instincts. Resources surround you. Be open to romance.”

Have a great week! ❤️

Capricorn New Moon & Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles from the Rider Waite tarot deck

This week, on January 11th, we are experiencing the first new moon of 2024 in the industrious sign of Capricorn! The tarot card representing this transit is the three of pentacles. If you have a New Years resolution or a positive change that you are ready to implement for 2024, this new moon presents an opportune astrology transit to do just that!

Capricorn is the planetary ruler of the 10th house in astrology. This is the house of ambition, career, finances, long term investments, our public persona, reputation, and our professional life. As an earth element, Capricorn is a grounded, stable energy that represents the tangible, real elements in our life that provide structure & stability.

Interestingly, the Three of Pentacles corresponds to Mars in Capricorn. Mars is in the sign of Capricorn during this transit. It is exalted in this sign (beneficial). So, for the next few weeks, this placement will fuel our “self-starter” mindset. We will be feeling energized and passionate about the future and excited about doing what it takes to achieve what it is we want to accomplish in the 10th house area of our life.

Three of Pentacles/New Moon Intuitive Messages:

Some of you may be in the limelight this week! Being appreciated and recognized for your contribution, skill or talents is often implicated with this card. You may receive a bonus, raise, job offer or some other opportunity for advancement. Others of you may have the opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and allow your work and/or ideas to be seen.

On the flip side, this card is a reminder for some of you to continue to be a “self-starter” as you may not be receiving external validation for your efforts, yet. Keep in mind, others may not understand your vision for success, or may be insecure about your talent, or the changes you are implementing. You may have to go against the grain initially, but over time, the results will speak for itself.

Keep going, keep growing!

To work with this new moon energy, here are some helpful correspondences:

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Planetary Ruler: Saturn

Element: Earth

Colors: Browns, dark greens, tan, black, dark gray, white & conservative colors that you associate with stability, success and money.

Crystals: Tigers eye, smoky quartz, agate, pyrite, garnet, super 7, clear quartz points, aragonite, malachite, hematite

Have a great week! ❤