Full moon lunar eclipse. Five of Pentacles. Turning the corner!

Five of Pentacles is the card representing the moon in the 10/28/23 full moon eclipse in Taurus

This week: Full moon lunar eclipse: Five of pentacles. Turning the corner!

On Saturday, we will be experiencing a full moon lunar eclipse in the sign of earthy Taurus. This ends the intense Taurus-Scorpio eclipse cycle which has been active since November 2021. Below are the dates of the eclipses that occurred while the nodes were in Taurus & Scorpio.

November 19th, 2021 – North Node Lunar Eclipse at 27° Taurus

April 30th, 2022 – North Node Solar Eclipse at 10° Taurus

May 15th, 2022 – South Node Lunar Eclipse at 25° Scorpio

October 25th, 2022 – South Node Lunar Eclipse at 2° Scorpio

May 5th, 2023 – South Node Lunar Eclipse at 14° Scorpio

October 28th, 2023 – North Node Lunar Eclipse at 5° Taurus

Eclipses are powerful agents of change. Its a good idea to pay attention to what is happening in your life around the time of eclipses. Because most likely, the events that transpire will have a significant effect on your life in some way. The 10/28/23 full moon eclipse closes the chapter of this 2021-2023 nodal eclipse cycle. Take a deep breath and turn the page.

This moon occurs on the north node axis. Also known as the “dragon’s head” in astrology, the north node direction indicates forward momentum. The theme for Taurus is “I have”. This transit highlights the material aspects in our lives that make us feel fulfilled, safe and secure.

Our possessions, home, health, money, relationships as well as themes of self-worth, are all things that fall under the Taurus influence.

The last leg of a difficult journey….

Timely endings are poised to unfold with this transit. The dragon’s “tail” is in the sign of Scorpio, the sign of transformation & rebirth. Scorpio is represented by the Death card in the tarot. Which reminds us that endings lead to new beginnings. This final nodal eclipse will help us break free of paradigms that we have outgrown.

The Five of Pentacles is the tarot card that represents the moon in this transit.

What does the image in this card signify to you? For sure its image brings up our worst fears: Loneliness, challenges in finances, health, relationships. But there is another aspect to this card. Look at the lighted window behind them.

This couple literally has just a few more steps before “turning the corner”. Webster’s definition of this term is “to get past the most difficult area or period of something and begin to improve”.

This final eclipse in the Taurus-Scorpio nodal cycle, marks the conclusion to an old storyline. The North node is in Aries in this transit, giving us the courage and drive to implement positive, practical changes that are in alignment with who we are now, at the completion of this two year journey.

What good things await for you behind the door that is just “around the corner”?

The energetic window of time for this eclipse can be up to six months.

Have a great week everyone!

Leo full moon 2/5/23. Solar plexus activation. Tarot card: Six of Wands

The Six of Wands from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

First, let’s talk a little bit about the symbolism of this transit. The numerology is interesting. It occurs on the 5th day of the month. As well when one adds up the entire date 2+5+2+0+2+3 = 14. It also breaks down to the number 5. The sign of Leo rules the 5th house on the zodiac wheel. The fifth house relates to joy, children, self-expression, confidence, drama, romance and overall good times. It’s planetary ruler is the sun. Its archetype is the majestic lion.

All I’m going to say here is, get ready! The lion does NOT sleep tonight!

This energetic Leo full moon is activating our solar plexus chakra big time to give us an extra boost to reframe areas of our life that are overdue for a reboot. The corresponding tarot card is the six of wands. In this card, we see someone in the spotlight. This person is a winner and is ready to take on the next challenge. It can denote achieving a goal, overcoming obstacles, as well as future success. There is also an element of respect in this card. As full moons often shed light on shadow areas in our life, you may find that this transit highlights situations and people that may not be or no longer be suitable for your highest good.

Are you respected and “seen” at work, in your relationships, friendships, etc.? Do you surround yourself with people and places that support your well-being? Do your friends and family cheer for you when you win? Or not so much? Where in your life do you feel confident, happy, sexy. And in what areas of your life do you feel overlooked, disrespected, closed-off or in general is not moving in the direction that you want it to?

After the full moon, it will enter its waning phase. Banishing, clearing, cleansing, de-clutter are some keywords for the waning moon. Often, we yearn for change, but our lives are so busy and cluttered, that we don’t have room for anything else to come in. I would also recommend an aura clearing bath, as well as energetically cleansing one’s personal space to “clear out” stagnant energies that may be lingering. If you would like advice on how to do this that is personalized for your situation, contact me.

When it comes to Leo, it’s all about heart. It has been recently scientifically proven that the heart has it’s own “consciousness”. Pay attention to what your heart and body is telling you. Stress and painful emotions often manifest as sensations in the chest area. The heart doesn’t lie. Be kind but honest with yourself. What needs to go or what do you need to limit your exposure to, in order for you to be happier and healthier? The Leo Moon is not complicated. It really is as simple as that.

Leo, as I mentioned above, also corresponds to children. And a Leo moon further amplifies this energy. Spending time with young ones has a way of bringing out our silly side. We laugh and play alongside them. Honestly, is there anything more joyful than a child’s smile? Spend time with kids if you can or nurture your own inner child by engaging in a youthful activity or watching funny, cute videos online. If you are trying to conceive, this week leading up to the full moon may prove favorable for you.

Crystal suggestions: Amber, citrine, malachite, carnelian, clear quartz, green jade, moonstone, tigers eye, sunstone

Have a great week! ❤️

Full Moon in Gemini 12/7/22

Tarot cards Nine of Swords, Nine of Wands for the Full Moon in Gemini

As I look at these cards today for this transit, I sense a lot of collective pent-up internal energy. The Gemini moon represented by the nine of swords, has us all up in our head! And the Sun in the sign of Sagittarius, represented by the nine of wands, has us battle weary, but holding strong, as we are in the final month of 2022. Full Moons have a strong effect on us and the planet, as they intensify energy. Add the hustle and bustle of the holidays to the mix, and we have quite a dynamic smoothie whirling in the blender!

The advice card that came out is #53 use your hands. Ground some of this energy by getting out of your head and into your physical experience this week! Exercise, get out in nature, walk, run, do yoga, cook, bake, make crafts, spend time with your partner, etc. Make lists to help organize your thoughts. Try to schedule your day to focus your intentions & add structure.

It is also important to understand that December, collectively, is the time of the year where there are interruptions and delays due to the holidays. December as well as full moons, are also when cycles are generally finishing up. Make peace with the process and try to work with the tide instead of against it. Some arrangements, resolutions or important decisions may be best deferred to 2023.

Gemini is a dynamic energy that is quick witted, active, social and highly adaptable. This is not one of those “deep thoughts” kind of full moon. Its more about swift decisions and action. I feel both the 9 of swords and the 9 of wands in this reading indicate a strong desire for connection and new positive experiences. Perhaps you would like to make a difference in your community? Volunteer at a church, charity, animal shelter, fund raiser, etc. Host a holiday party. After what we have been through the last few years, I’m sure friends and family would love to get together! Do some fun activities with the kids. Knock out that holiday list by getting your shopping done early. Do that final closet clean out and donate items to charity. Dress up and go to a local community event. Attend a local market. Rediscover yourself and your surroundings.

Gemini rules communications! Now would be a great time to pare down social media feeds that no longer contribute in a positive way to your well-being! As well as maybe add some new interesting feeds to your experience.

Collectively, this full moon is quite active and expressive! The pent up energy we are experiencing may seem a little frustrating, but channeled in a positive way, it gives us the opportunity to make some sustainable and positive changes as we approach the end of 2022.

Helpful crystal suggestions: Black tourmaline, black obsidian, smoky quartz, pyrite, tourmalinated quartz, howlite, tigers eye, moss agate, ametrine, moonstone, nuummite, chrysocolla, quartz pyramid or point.

Have a great week!