This week: Venus moves into Libra. Page of Cups.

Page of Cups from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

This week’s messages: Venus moves into Libra. Page of Cups.

This week, Venus transitions into the sign of Libra on November 8th and remains there until December 4th. Venus does well here. She has a positive influence on the relationships & agreements in our life. Venus desires harmony, balance, cooperation, & mutual respect in this sign.

On Thursday, the waning (decreasing) moon also moves into the sign of Libra. This has the effect of balancing our emotions, providing a much-needed reprieve from the heavy Mars/Scorpionic planetary energies we have been experiencing lately!

The Page of Cups is the tarot card that came out today. The Page of Cups is a creative, fun energy. He has a whimsical, optimistic attitude. Artsy and intuitive, he pays attention to how he feels about things. Keep it simple. Whatever is happening in your life, what is your heart telling you? As well, the Page of Cups is a messenger, that brings in good news! Lastly, he encourages you to pursue creative outlets that you love. And to be mindful of the little things that bring joy and blessings to your life.

Politeness & random acts of kindness will take you far this week. Simple things such as holding a door for a stranger, giving someone a compliment, or buying a friend or loved one a small gift will have more of an impact than you realize.

If there has been tension with someone lately, this week may provide an opportunity to let bygones be bygones, extend the olive branch and/or have that honest, heartfelt conversation. Venus in Libra & the Page of Cups upright is willing to talk as well as listen. If this is a close relationship, be prepared for a possible deep dive as Mercury, the planet of communication is in the sign of Scorpio until November 10th. If all involved are willing to discuss the heart of the matter, an equitable resolution and maybe even an apology, is possible.

Have a great week! ❤️

Weekly tarot message 2/27/23: Making progress, getting it done.

Knight of Pentacles, The Emperor & Queen of Swords from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

Weekly tarot message 2/27/23:

Making progress, getting it done.

Knight of Pentacles has his eye on the prize and urges his faithful steed forward each day as he keeps his future goal ever present in his mind’s eye. As an earth element card, the Knight of Pentacles moves the slowest, as it represents the physical realm. Progress here takes time and action on your part. What steps do you need to take this week to make progress on a project or goal? You may have gone off track. Is it time for a realignment?

The Emperor is smack dab in the middle of this reading! He represents the sign of Aries. Controlled, masculine fire. This is my discipline and strategy card. Adding structure to your daily routine would be helpful. Cut out distractions and be aware of “time bandits” that sap your focus and energy. Be firm and stick to it when setting personal boundaries. Next month, the sun moves into Aries on the 21st. This could be a time marker for some of you. Take care of those small details now before the spring season kicks in!

The Queen of Swords as the final card is not one to be trifled with! She does not have time for excuses! She’s my “self-made” Queen. Smart and to the point, she holds us accountable for our own thoughts and actions. She made it and so can you! Be prepared for some tough love. See the truth for what it is and own up to your responsibilities. It may be time for a conversation. Then you will know exactly where you stand and what needs to be done. Both the Emperor and The Queen of Swords can also indicate that consulting with a professional advisor, a successful older person or mentor may be helpful.

Have a great week!

Christine Mann (aka Texas Tarot Lady) is a gifted psychic intuitive that specializes in tarot, astrology & numerology. She is currently the Saturday in-house reader at Indigo Moons in Houston, TX. and is also available for private readings and parties/events. For more information, see her website at

Full Moon in Gemini 12/7/22

Tarot cards Nine of Swords, Nine of Wands for the Full Moon in Gemini

As I look at these cards today for this transit, I sense a lot of collective pent-up internal energy. The Gemini moon represented by the nine of swords, has us all up in our head! And the Sun in the sign of Sagittarius, represented by the nine of wands, has us battle weary, but holding strong, as we are in the final month of 2022. Full Moons have a strong effect on us and the planet, as they intensify energy. Add the hustle and bustle of the holidays to the mix, and we have quite a dynamic smoothie whirling in the blender!

The advice card that came out is #53 use your hands. Ground some of this energy by getting out of your head and into your physical experience this week! Exercise, get out in nature, walk, run, do yoga, cook, bake, make crafts, spend time with your partner, etc. Make lists to help organize your thoughts. Try to schedule your day to focus your intentions & add structure.

It is also important to understand that December, collectively, is the time of the year where there are interruptions and delays due to the holidays. December as well as full moons, are also when cycles are generally finishing up. Make peace with the process and try to work with the tide instead of against it. Some arrangements, resolutions or important decisions may be best deferred to 2023.

Gemini is a dynamic energy that is quick witted, active, social and highly adaptable. This is not one of those “deep thoughts” kind of full moon. Its more about swift decisions and action. I feel both the 9 of swords and the 9 of wands in this reading indicate a strong desire for connection and new positive experiences. Perhaps you would like to make a difference in your community? Volunteer at a church, charity, animal shelter, fund raiser, etc. Host a holiday party. After what we have been through the last few years, I’m sure friends and family would love to get together! Do some fun activities with the kids. Knock out that holiday list by getting your shopping done early. Do that final closet clean out and donate items to charity. Dress up and go to a local community event. Attend a local market. Rediscover yourself and your surroundings.

Gemini rules communications! Now would be a great time to pare down social media feeds that no longer contribute in a positive way to your well-being! As well as maybe add some new interesting feeds to your experience.

Collectively, this full moon is quite active and expressive! The pent up energy we are experiencing may seem a little frustrating, but channeled in a positive way, it gives us the opportunity to make some sustainable and positive changes as we approach the end of 2022.

Helpful crystal suggestions: Black tourmaline, black obsidian, smoky quartz, pyrite, tourmalinated quartz, howlite, tigers eye, moss agate, ametrine, moonstone, nuummite, chrysocolla, quartz pyramid or point.

Have a great week!

Tarot forecast 8/1-8/8/22. Stay in your grace, keep it moving.

Tap into your magick this week!

This week’s tarot forecast for 8/1-8/7/22

The moon is in its waxing, increasing phase this week as it travels through the signs of Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. It will be in its first quarter phase on Friday. The sun is currently in the zodiac sign of fiery, charismatic Leo.

This energetic combination has us feeling good! For ya’lls tarot messages this week, I’ve pulled three cards corresponding to each of the signs that the moon will be traveling through. Let’s do this!

Libra: (Tues/Wed): Knight of Pentacles. This is my slow and steady wins the race card. Keep your eye on the prize! Stay balanced in your thoughts and actions. If you begin to drift, ask yourself is this leading me closer to my goal, or taking me further away from my goal? I also received the message that some of ya’ll have been in Hermit mode for far too long. Knights indicate movement. Get up and get moving! Take advantage of this fabulous Leo sun energy! Make the effort to meet some new people, network, check out some different places, etc. Our Knight of Pentacles is heading in the direction of two beautiful upright Queens! There is an opportunity or special someone that is out there waiting for you. Look at this image again. These two Queens appear to be beckoning our Knight to them. Whatever this is, it will not come to you. You must go to it.

The Leo sun is squaring the moon in Scorpio (Thurs/Fri): This is an interesting aspect. Something weird may come up. I don’t see this as a big deal though. Perhaps someone with a dry sense of humor makes a comment for example, that makes you wonder, what the heck was that supposed to mean? Or maybe someone said or did something earlier in the week that rubbed you the wrong way, and you are replaying the interaction over again in your mind. They probably weren’t even aware of it or maybe it was just a little dig, because they just can’t handle your fabulous vibe! If need be, write down your observation or make a mental note, and move on. Believe me, you have better things to focus on. LOL!! Stay in your grace and put this behind you.

(Saturday/Sunday): Art, music, magick, travel, socializing, what lights your fire? The Queen of Wands is pure inspiration! Look at the image here! She is asking you to tap into a “flow” state of being to access your creativity. Don’t overthink it. There is magick in the air. The Universe is manifesting something special for you. Trust your intuition and pay attention to the signs spirit is sending you. You may experience some unexpected good luck this weekend. This is also a good time to do some manifestation and/or candle magic.

I love you all, have a great week! 🥰