This week: Venus moves into Libra. Page of Cups.

Page of Cups from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

This week’s messages: Venus moves into Libra. Page of Cups.

This week, Venus transitions into the sign of Libra on November 8th and remains there until December 4th. Venus does well here. She has a positive influence on the relationships & agreements in our life. Venus desires harmony, balance, cooperation, & mutual respect in this sign.

On Thursday, the waning (decreasing) moon also moves into the sign of Libra. This has the effect of balancing our emotions, providing a much-needed reprieve from the heavy Mars/Scorpionic planetary energies we have been experiencing lately!

The Page of Cups is the tarot card that came out today. The Page of Cups is a creative, fun energy. He has a whimsical, optimistic attitude. Artsy and intuitive, he pays attention to how he feels about things. Keep it simple. Whatever is happening in your life, what is your heart telling you? As well, the Page of Cups is a messenger, that brings in good news! Lastly, he encourages you to pursue creative outlets that you love. And to be mindful of the little things that bring joy and blessings to your life.

Politeness & random acts of kindness will take you far this week. Simple things such as holding a door for a stranger, giving someone a compliment, or buying a friend or loved one a small gift will have more of an impact than you realize.

If there has been tension with someone lately, this week may provide an opportunity to let bygones be bygones, extend the olive branch and/or have that honest, heartfelt conversation. Venus in Libra & the Page of Cups upright is willing to talk as well as listen. If this is a close relationship, be prepared for a possible deep dive as Mercury, the planet of communication is in the sign of Scorpio until November 10th. If all involved are willing to discuss the heart of the matter, an equitable resolution and maybe even an apology, is possible.

Have a great week! ❤️