Selenite – Cleansing & Calming

You can feel selenite’s calming effects when you hold it.

I adore selenite! For people that are new to crystals, selenite is one of those must haves in any collection. This fabulous mineral is easy to come by. It is available online and I’ve seen it in stores such as Ross and Marshalls. It comes in a variety of shapes such as sticks, wands, candle holders, tumbled stones, spheres, pyramids you name it! Known for it’s soothing and calming energies, this mineral is a wonderful addition to any space.

Selenite is known as a clear vibrational mineral. It acts as a cleanser in the environment, almost like a filter. It’s high vibration properties can be used to clear negative energies from jewelry and other crystals when these objects are placed on it. It also has a soothing effect when it is held, and when it is placed in a living space. I particularly love my large selenite lamp!

For those who work with crystal energies, selenite can be used in combination with other crystals such as amethyst and clear quartz, to aid in the connection to the higher dimensional realms of the angels and ascended masters. Energy channelers often wear selenite pendants in combination with other stones, while they are working to aid in transmuting the energy and to keep the “lines” open.

Selenite can also be used on the outside of crystal grid patterns as a boundary to anchor the space and to keep the intention inside the grid clear. The selenite sticks are excellent for use in this way. I like to use four sticks (one for each direction). I will publish future posts including pictures on crystal grids. Sticks or pyramids can also be used to “grid” ones home as well!

Place selenite alongside lighted candles, or use selenite candleholders in a room or sacred space. You will instantly feel more relaxed! Selenite will dissolve in water over time, so be careful with it if you have it near you while you are taking a bath.

Some people think of selenite as a protective stone. But in my opinion, it acts more like a filter and/or cleanser. It transmutes the surrounding energies, but it does not necessary “block” them. I prefer to use selenite in this way. To “cleanse” a space to enhance the effectiveness of the other crystals that I am working with. When I work with selenite, I get the impression of calmness, clarity, and cleansing. Like taking a deep breath of cool air and exhaling ahhhhhh!

When choosing white selenite, look for clean, bright white pieces without a lot of other mineral inclusions (an exception to this is if you are purchasing a cluster – there are usually other minerals in those). But for the sticks, tumbled stones, spheres, etc. pure white is best.

Selenite also comes in a beautiful orange color. I have large crystal heart made of orange selenite as well as a candleholder. It is gorgeous in the evening, lit up with the candle burning inside. The energetic properties of orange selenite function the same as the white and is widely available.