Message from the Three of wands and the King of wands.

Fire energy! The King of Wands is looking at the three of wands. Soul purpose. Stop dreaming and take that first step! Move!

So today, the cards that appeared are the three of wands with the King of Wands at the bottom of the deck. The three of wands carries the message in this reading, of the creation of something new. The wands are fire energy. Fire is an element in the formula of creation. The wands in the tarot denote action, creative fire, transmutation (e.g., the phoenix), motivation, purpose, inner drive and spirituality, the inner “spark”, purpose.

Take note of the character in the three of wands. This is a single person on this card. The message here is inner fire, inner motivation, inner growth. Coming into one’s personal power. The acceptance of one’s unique gifts and as such gaining the confidence and motivation to express it.

In one aspect, The King of Wands looking at the three of wands here reminds me of the higher self looking at the lower self. Providing encouragement and strength for the three of wands. The King of Wands is the “mature” aspect of the wands suit. He knows how to channel the creative fire of the wands to use it for the highest good of himself and his kingdom. He uses this fire to inspire and encourage others.

I also see the King here as a wise elder, observing the student. Will he take the first step? Or will the student allow fear to prevent him from moving forward to the four of wands, which is the physical manifestation of the inspiration.

The King looks a bit impatient here. With his wand “staff” in hand, his expression says “move”! He looks as if he is about to rise up from his throne and give that three of wands a push!

The message here is to stop dreaming. You have internalized your dreams long enough. Create and move forward with your vision. Transmute that fear and doubt that has been holding you back. Take that first step!

Both of these cards are masculine. Masculine wands are a message of action, strength, fire, movement, confidence, conscious action – in other words making things happen.

The King of Wands is not a “touchy feely” energy. He doesn’t take “no” for an answer, and he will not listen to excuses. If the King says you are ready, then it is time to move! Don’t second guess the wisdom of the King.

To wrap this up, the King here represents the highest order and masculine energy of the wands suit. He is encouraging the three of wands to take that first step to take control of his destiny. To overcome doubt, embrace his gifts and begin the journey. To bring his inspiration to the physical, and to express the “spark” of his divine talents to the world.

Embrace your fire!