Winter Solstice. King of Cups. Heart & Mind.

King of Cups from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck & #19 from Law of Positivism oracle

The King of Cups upright & card #19 from the Law of Positivism oracle deck came out today. I thought the number of the oracle card was particularly interesting as today’s numerology 12/18/2023 adds up to #19.

This week is the winter solstice (December 21), which is the official astronomical start of winter. It marks the moment when the half of the earth is farthest away from the sun. It is the shortest day and longest night of the year. The winter solstice is observed by many cultures as it signifies the upcoming arrival of gradually lengthening days – the return of the sun.

In the past, the eve of the winter solstice was a time of celebration & reflection. In modern times, observing this shift in the season helps us reaffirm our primal connection to the cyclical rhythms of nature.

Heart & Mind.

I love the cards that came out for this week in relation to the winter solstice. The King of Cups upright is associated with the zodiac signs of Scorpio & Libra. A combination of intuition & intellect. He wears a fish emblem around his neck as a symbol of faith. It is this balanced combination of all three that allows the King of Cups to remain emotionally & mentally stable despite the tumultuous waves surrounding him.

Look at how the shadowy figure in the oracle card is looking at the King of Cups. As the winter solstice symbolizes a shift from darkness to light, we can tap into the energies this week to shift our emotional and mental state so that they serve us in a beneficial way, rather than the other way around.

In numerology, #19 adds up to #10, which breaks down to #1. This is the Magician card in the tarot. The Magician is a card of focus & will. The Magician is the conduit between spirit and matter. As Mercury is the planet associated with this card, we are reminded that harnessing the power of our mind, is paramount to our well-being & success.

The Sun changes signs this week, joining Mercury in the industrious sign of Capricorn. In conjunction with the winter solstice, this is a great week for shifting one’s perspective, and priorities, if need be, to align your mental and emotional state more closely with your future goals, a plan or state of being you want to embrace in 2024.

As the saying goes, thoughts are things.

Have a great week! ❤