Hang in there 2022 is almost over!

Nine of wands from the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck

Tarot message for this week: Hang in there 2022 is almost over!

The 2023 astrology shows quite a change from what we have been experiencing collectively over the last couple of years. The “I” takes center stage next year. Expect to see more of a focus on individual rights and freedoms. Altruism is noble, but there is a fine balance that must be maintained between compromise for the common good and the sovereign rights of the individual. More will begin to speak out. We’ll see what happens!

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries, in April, will have us feeling like a racehorse coming out of the starting gate! Especially for those who have been busy in 2022 clearing some of those internal shadows. Some of you were able to do this on your own, others worked with a counselor, therapist and/or a spiritual advisor.

Many of you have released years of karma through this intense work! Shadows brought into the light. Wounds understood and healed. Lessons learned. Chords cut. Done!

If you are resonating with this message, you’ll be feeling full-on empowered and sassy next year! You could end up rocking the boat a bit, as you will be inspired to make positive changes in order to live more in alignment with the new person that you have become.

But for now, you may be feeling like you are limbo. The space between the old you and the new you. Relax. It’s perfectly okay. Give yourself a break.

Pause for a moment and think about how far you have come over the previous 12 months. Really think about it. Who were you in January 2022 versus who you are now. Wow. What a difference a year made.

Have a great week everyone!