2023 Theme: #7 The Chariot. Balance, focus, will, momentum

The Chariot from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

Year 2023 Theme: #7 The Chariot. Balance, focus, will, momentum

2023 in numerology, is a “7” year. The number 7 is a significant universal number. It combines life experience, science and mysticism. It is the number that represents “the spiritual seeker”. We see the influence of the number seven all around us. There are 7 main chakras, the 7 deadly sins, 7 days in the week, 7 major planetary influences, 7 bands of color in a rainbow, the list goes on.

The number 7 corresponds to The Chariot in the major arcana. Look at the image in this card. We see two sphynxes, one black, one white, and the Charioteer, confidently looking ahead. He has two crescent moons on his shoulders (emotional balance) and a canopy of celestial stars over his head. He is holding a wand in his right hand, symbolizing energetic force & direction. On his chest is a square, symbolizing the four elements of earth. He is spiritually enlightened, yet grounded in the physical world. I think all of you reading this can relate!

One detail that is often overlooked in The Chariot card is that when one looks closely, you will see that the Chariot and the Charioteer are fused together as one. He literally cannot move without the aid of the sphynxes. And let’s check out those sphynxes again. Did you notice that they are glancing in different directions? These ethereal creatures each have a mind of their own. Yin and yang, shadow and light, conscious & subconscious, they are easily distracted and often oppose each other.

Yet, all three beings in this card, must be on the same page and have the same goal in mind in order to move forward. There are no reins, so there is no cajoling or forcing the sphinxes into moving. Momentum is achieved solely through the universal cosmic forces of focus and will.

This card speaks of victory through self-mastery. Control, willpower, confidence, determination and balance are some keywords for The Chariot.

When The Chariot comes up in my readings, I call it my “get yourself together” card. As a collective, this is the theme for 2023. The planetary influences are also supporting this initiation of forward momentum. At the beginning of the year, Jupiter is out of retrograde and goes direct in the sign of Aries until May of 2023. So we have the planet of luck, expansion and growth in the

independent, fiery sign of Aries for the next five months. Mars, which has been retrograde since October, also goes back direct in January in the sign of Gemini. This gives us a boost of confidence as Mars in Gemini stimulates our intellect and communication. This is further reinforced by the planet Mercury, which will be moving direct in the sign of Capricorn in January.

Discernment is the name of the game in 2023. Our attention holds power. That’s why billions of dollars per year are spent in advertising trying to get it. So, what if we decided to be more mindful of what we give our attention to? We do have a choice. I’m not saying that every little action needs to be scrutinized. But if we want to begin to implement positive changes within our own life as well as societally, we must take it upon ourselves, to be responsible for being more aware of what we are energetically supporting consciously or unconsciously. Personally, I think over the last several years, we have all been afflicted with “big picture itis” due to all of the chaotic events taking place on the world stage. The Chariot symbolizes dialing back the lens a bit, in order to regain some perspective.

2023 is the year of Victory! I feel we as individuals, will be cosmically reminded (more than once), that the time has come to regain control of our own Chariots. So that our lives proceed forward in a positive direction within the framework of a sustainable momentum. As this is done individually, it will have a cocentric effect collectively. Resulting in productive changes and trends in the upcoming year.

Many blessings to all of you in 2023!