Happy Halloween & Samhain Blessings!

Halloween/Samhain skull candle & black obsidia crystal ball

Happy Halloween & Samhain Blessings everyone!

The moon is in its waxing crescent phase as it enters into the sign of Aquarius this afternoon. Its increasing frequency inspires us to have the courage to implement a plan of action in order to move forward as well as to have faith in the pursuit of our dreams. Be aware however, that Mars went retrograde yesterday which can be unpredictable, so try to have patience with others. Remember, they are feeling this too! Work with this concentrated energy by constructively channeling it through a creative outlet or physical activity.

Halloween/Samhain carries us into the “dark” time of the year. The Sun is in Scorpio, which gives us a chance to do some inner soul work that requires our attention, using the process of fiery transmutation. Not everything is to be banished or released. Some are valuable lessons that are metaphorical “gold” hidden in the “gross matter”. The gold can only be revealed through the process of spiritual alchemy. The end result is priceless wisdom, lessons learned and oftentimes, the release of karma. All of this and more can be utilized to be of immense benefit to oneself and/or others.

Remember that creative outlet I mentioned above? Use this powerful time by putting together a spell or intention tonight! Ancestor work, karmic contracts, shadow work, facing one’s fears, divination, automatic writing, spellwork, scrying, etc. are just a few ideas. Set up your candles, herbs, crystals, cauldrons, etc. and get those creative juices flowing! Put that concentrated Mars retrograde energy to good use!

*Remember to write down any messages/insights you receive so you can revisit them later.

It doesn’t have to be all serious though. You can also just let loose and burn some of those fun, spooky Halloween candles! You do you tonight. I’ll see you on the other side!

Have a great week! 🎃🦉🦇🦋🐍🦂🐈‍⬛🌙🧹🖤♏️

Tarot message for this week: Mirror moment transformation

Breakthrough transformation! New moon solar eclipse in Scorpio 10/25/22

Hi everyone here is your tarot message for this week!

This reading has an emphasis on the new moon solar eclipse that is occurring tomorrow, October 25th. This transit gives us the opportunity to release what has become excessive and/or toxic to make space for healthy, organic, positive changes.

The nine of cups is reversed in this reading. The chalices behind the character are spilling out their contents, reflecting an emotional disconnect or dissatisfaction. This card reversed, can also indicate unhealthy habits or behaviors such as overspending or overindulgence. Something has reached a tipping point. All may look well and great on the outside, but this card reversed says that this may not necessary be the case when one digs a little deeper.

The Death card, which coincides with the zodiac sign of Scorpio, to me is representing the eclipse energy. It is clearing away the false perceptions and facades to get down to what is real. The solar eclipse combined with the new moon in Scorpio, is calling our attention to an aspect of our life that would benefit from the result of a change. Whatever this is for you, the powers that be say its time and it may very well bring in a person, circumstance or situation that highlights a hard truth that in turn, challenges you to make a change or a choice. This is the “mirror moment” breakthrough that shakes you out of the 9 of cups reversed.

The Queen of Pentacles is a lovely final outcome card. Yes, she is a Queen, but she is not hidden away in a lavish castle, nor do we see an abundance of material possessions in this image. She has high standards, but is practical and grounded at the same time. Oftentimes, she comes up in my readings when someone is, or needs to, focus on their health or on practical matters concerning their home, business, money or family. She can also reflect a strong feminine presence/matriarch at home or work (or both). This is echoed by the Goddess oracle card grounding the reading “healing feminine energy”.

What are you ready to release, change or transform in your life?

To work with this energy, get two candles (one black, one white) and two small pieces of paper. Write down what you want to release on one piece of paper. Light the black candle. Then light the petition with the flame of the black candle and allow it to burn to ash in a fireproof container. Do this BEFORE the time of the eclipse. After the eclipse is over, write down what you want to bring into your life on the second piece of paper. Light the white candle. Then light the petition and allow it to burn to ash in a fireproof container. I recommend using chime or tealite candles so you can allow them to burn out on their own. Feel free to journal any insights you receive during this time.

Incense recommendations: Frankincense & Myrrh, Copal, Dragons Blood, Cinnamon

Crystals: Moonstone, septarian, black obsidian, bloodstone, clear quartz, malachite.

Have a great week!

Tarot forecast 9/26-10/2/22

Five of Swords, Nine of Cups & Judgement tarot cards

Hi everyone, this is Christine with your tarot forecast for this week!

We begin the week with the new moon in Libra. The tarot card that came out for this aspect is the five of swords. Libra is a sign associated with balance and justice. However, the fives in the tarot indicate a disruption or change. Is there an area in your life wherein the scales require an adjustment? This may evolve into a conflict that requires you to assess your position carefully.

If you love/care about the others involved, use the Libra New Moon to rise above egos in order reach a mutually beneficial compromise. If tempers flare, give each other space to calm down so that no one says anything that they may regret later. Others of you may have had enough and are ready to speak your truth or draw that line in the sand. You may be dealing with someone who refuses to listen/compromise or that has a negative impact on your well-being.

I’ll let you decide if this is card’s message is one of “good riddance” or “hold on, maybe I shouldn’t go there”. Our words yield great power. Use them wisely. Let’s move on….

Mid-week, the moon travels through the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio loves digging deep to get to the real truth and it is empowered by the waxing moon. Here we have the 9 of cups. This is a card of achievement, success, happiness, accolades. A job well done. What does your vision of happiness and success look like? Are you currently in alignment with that goal or dream? This card corresponds to Jupiter in Pisces. Artistry, imagination, generosity, happiness.

The world is your oyster here as long as your intent is pure and you have joy in your heart. This is a great energy for projects, friendship, laugher, sharing ideas. If you are open and honest, the right people and circumstances will be drawn to you and will support your vision.

At the end of the week, the moon continues through the sign of Sagittarius. And away we go with the tarot card, Judgement. There is certainly momentum building as you are bringing about some positive changes into your life or a situation. You may be making peace or coming to terms with, a decision or action (maybe from earlier in the week with that five of swords?). You have Archangel Gabriel here delivering your message. There is no denying that it is time to get up and get moving. The card is upright, so I see this is as a positive change and/or transformation. This may also be a sign for some of you that you are being inspired by a “divine calling” in some capacity.

Although Judgement tends to generally be what I consider a “larger themed” card, this can also denote your making positive changes in your daily habits, routines, patterns, etc. that positively impact yourself and those around you. There is no going back when we see this card. Judgement is the next to last card in the major arcana. It is the moment that one steps out of the casket of what was, and into a new destiny, life or career path, or calling. On a smaller scale, it could simply be that of embracing a new perspective or a “new lease on life”.

Have a great week everyone! ❤️✨♎🦋🌑

Tarot forecast 9/12-9/18/22: Dust ups, apologies, good news…

Five of Wands, Page of Cups & Ace of Pentacles from Rider Waite tarot

The moon is currently in its waning (decreasing cycle) this week as it travels through the signs of Aries, Taurus and Gemini. All three cards that came out for you, indicate a young fresh energy, with a little bit of drama thrown in. I’m not surprised at this, as full moons tend to heighten emotions for about three days before and three days afterwards. That being said, let’s dive in!

Moon in Aries: Five of Wands. There’s some tension early in the week as there may be competition at work, or this could be a creative brainstorming session or a debate that gets heated. This card can also indicate drama, disagreement or infighting within a close-knit group. All involved want to be seen and heard. Egos abound, tempers flare, but it’s not long lived. The key for you is to not get caught up in the fray. It is certainly tempting to want to add in your “2 cents”. But see how the sensitive Page of Cups is looking on, but not participating? My eye is also drawn to the young man in blue in the Five of Wands card that has the wand over his shoulder, instead of up and in the battle. You do need to stay informed, but be careful not to be drawn in to this emotionally charged tornado. This will calm down just as fast as it started as long as no one keeps poking at the fire.

Moon in Taurus: Page of Cups: Things calm down towards the middle of the week. You or someone else may be owed an apology from the dust up that happened a few days ago. Some of you may have to be the bigger person here and open the communications back up. Within the drama, there were probably some good ideas in there too! Now that everyone has had a chance to settle down, perhaps it is time to revisit this. The Page of Cups upright brings good news whether this is friendship, financial opportunities, or creative projects. Better times are up ahead now that everyone is on the same page (no pun intended).

Moon in Gemini: Ace of Pentacles. It would appear that the chaos earlier in the week, was the catalyst for a new opportunity and/or blessing to emerge! Whatever this is, there is certainly potential for growth here. The Ace of Pentacles may very well be the beginning of an investment, idea or endeavor that could grow into the ten of pentacles over time as long as all involved continue to work together towards a common goal.

Have a great week everyone! ❤️♈️♉️♊️🌔