Tarot Forecast for 10/10-10/16/22

We are still feeling the effects of the recent fiery, independent Aries full moon, as it is just beginning its waning phase through the signs of Taurus Gemini and Cancer this week. The tarot cards that came out are the five of swords, Judgement and nine of cups:

Early in the week/moon in Taurus. Tarot card: Five of Swords. Taurus energy is strong and unwavering here as it appears that there is a conflict or stalemate impeding progress in an area of your life. However, the five of swords, indicates that the conflict or difficulty has reached its peak and now has a chance to be resolved.

There are two messages/possible scenarios here:

1) You may be ready to stand up for yourself and set a healthy boundary by drawing a line in the sand. Others of you have had enough and are prepared to (or already have) cut the chord in order to set yourself free as the other side is/was not willing to listen or compromise.

2) Think carefully before your next move. Winning at all costs may make you the victor in the battle, but you may lose the war. Are you sure there isn’t a more peaceful resolution or a mutual compromise that can be reached? This situation may need some time in order to allow all involved to collect themselves before taking action or making a final decision. Be careful of doing or saying something in the heat of the moment that you may regret later.

I’ll let you decide which message resonates with you.

Mid-week/moon in Gemini. Tarot card: Judgement. Gemini is the sign of communication, and here we have Gabriel coming in with your wake- up call! Whatever your actions were earlier in the week, what’s done is done. Judgement upright depicts a new sense of purpose through the wisdom of self-reflection. The past no longer holds you back. You’ve made peace with it. You are moving forward and making the necessary changes in your life and/or routine in order to embrace a path that is in alignment with a positive goal and/or a successful future.

End of the week/moon in Cancer. Tarot card: Nine of Cups. Emotional fulfilment and success is where it’s at toward the end of the week! You may have reached a goal, achieved a personal milestone or some of you may be up for a promotion, acknowledgment, award, etc. This is a positive card, indicating self-satisfaction and/or the celebration of an achievement. Dreams can come true! Enjoy your blessings, you have earned it!

Have a great week everyone! ❤️

Tarot forecast 9/26-10/2/22

Five of Swords, Nine of Cups & Judgement tarot cards

Hi everyone, this is Christine with your tarot forecast for this week!

We begin the week with the new moon in Libra. The tarot card that came out for this aspect is the five of swords. Libra is a sign associated with balance and justice. However, the fives in the tarot indicate a disruption or change. Is there an area in your life wherein the scales require an adjustment? This may evolve into a conflict that requires you to assess your position carefully.

If you love/care about the others involved, use the Libra New Moon to rise above egos in order reach a mutually beneficial compromise. If tempers flare, give each other space to calm down so that no one says anything that they may regret later. Others of you may have had enough and are ready to speak your truth or draw that line in the sand. You may be dealing with someone who refuses to listen/compromise or that has a negative impact on your well-being.

I’ll let you decide if this is card’s message is one of “good riddance” or “hold on, maybe I shouldn’t go there”. Our words yield great power. Use them wisely. Let’s move on….

Mid-week, the moon travels through the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio loves digging deep to get to the real truth and it is empowered by the waxing moon. Here we have the 9 of cups. This is a card of achievement, success, happiness, accolades. A job well done. What does your vision of happiness and success look like? Are you currently in alignment with that goal or dream? This card corresponds to Jupiter in Pisces. Artistry, imagination, generosity, happiness.

The world is your oyster here as long as your intent is pure and you have joy in your heart. This is a great energy for projects, friendship, laugher, sharing ideas. If you are open and honest, the right people and circumstances will be drawn to you and will support your vision.

At the end of the week, the moon continues through the sign of Sagittarius. And away we go with the tarot card, Judgement. There is certainly momentum building as you are bringing about some positive changes into your life or a situation. You may be making peace or coming to terms with, a decision or action (maybe from earlier in the week with that five of swords?). You have Archangel Gabriel here delivering your message. There is no denying that it is time to get up and get moving. The card is upright, so I see this is as a positive change and/or transformation. This may also be a sign for some of you that you are being inspired by a “divine calling” in some capacity.

Although Judgement tends to generally be what I consider a “larger themed” card, this can also denote your making positive changes in your daily habits, routines, patterns, etc. that positively impact yourself and those around you. There is no going back when we see this card. Judgement is the next to last card in the major arcana. It is the moment that one steps out of the casket of what was, and into a new destiny, life or career path, or calling. On a smaller scale, it could simply be that of embracing a new perspective or a “new lease on life”.

Have a great week everyone! ❤️✨♎🦋🌑