11/13/23: New moon in Scorpio. 7 of Cups. Purpose & Growth.

Tarot cards for week of 11/13/23. Death, 7 of Cups & Judgement.

Today, we’ve got the new moon in Scorpio and this is a very significant transit. I don’t have the space to go into all the planetary influences, but let me say there is a lot of power to this one! Many of us have been feeling the frequency of this new moon for about a week. You may have been experiencing an influx of energy, motivating you to make a change. If you have been feeling stagnant in an area of your life this could have resulted in feelings of frustration or anxiousness as Mars is opposite Uranus, which can have the effect of a racehorse in the starting gate chomping at the bit!

Our words & actions this week, can have lasting effects for up to six months. Unexpected shake-ups and disagreements are possible. But so are breakthroughs and fresh starts! Keep your vision focused on what you want to see in six months. Particularly in the areas of health, close relationships, finances & investments.

The seven of cups is the main theme card this week. Whenever the 7 of cups comes up in a reading, it does indicate a few things. 1) There are too many distractions and/or clutter. This can be physical clutter as well as emotional/mental clutter. 2) It is time to pick a cup. You have contemplated this this long enough. Make a decision, and take positive action. 3) Be realistic. Illusions, hopes and dreams are an aspect of this card. Such things can inspire us, or keep us stuck behind a veil of escapism and/or wishful thinking. 4) Don’t accept what you are told at face value. Do your own research.

The Death card is riding up behind the seven of cups indicating the end of a cycle and/or some sort of transformation. As we have Judgement as the underlying energy below these two cards, this further supports a change in the status quo. An opportunity for growth.

This week, there is a shift in the collective mindset that provides the motivation to let go of what is past its expiration date. Losses will have the profound effect of placing things back into perspective. Resulting in gaining back control of something that previously may have felt chaotic or disorganized.

Scorpio is a deep, dark archetype. It oftentimes presents us with a situation that challenges us to face a fear, or break an undesirable habit/pattern to overcome external or internal limitations that stand in the way of our life’s progression. Death and Judgement here both indicate a fresh perspective that leads to a new way of doing things.

For example, we have the holidays coming up, which is very much a seven of cups type vibe! Illusions, music, pretty lights all contribute to overspending. Think about it before adding months of debt to your credit card! How many of us make purchases and then when we get the bill in January, don’t remember everything that we bought? Consider paying in cash this year, to help you stick to a budget. Shop purposely for people that you truly care about. Despite the holiday hoopla, I see a trend this year to less spending and more practical gifts. Quality over quantity will be the motto of the this year’s savvy shopper!

Fresh starts and new timelines are possible this week! Make a commitment to what you want to see in about six months and plan accordingly. Finances, health, home, food and investments will be of particular importance at this time. Stick to a budget, get rid of what you don’t need and put money in savings as much as possible. Psychologically, forgive others, release the past and/or have that difficult conversation to give yourself (as well as others) the freedom to heal and move forward. Tune out distractions and focus your energy on what has intrinsic value.

Have a great week! ❤

Tarot message for this week: Mirror moment transformation

Breakthrough transformation! New moon solar eclipse in Scorpio 10/25/22

Hi everyone here is your tarot message for this week!

This reading has an emphasis on the new moon solar eclipse that is occurring tomorrow, October 25th. This transit gives us the opportunity to release what has become excessive and/or toxic to make space for healthy, organic, positive changes.

The nine of cups is reversed in this reading. The chalices behind the character are spilling out their contents, reflecting an emotional disconnect or dissatisfaction. This card reversed, can also indicate unhealthy habits or behaviors such as overspending or overindulgence. Something has reached a tipping point. All may look well and great on the outside, but this card reversed says that this may not necessary be the case when one digs a little deeper.

The Death card, which coincides with the zodiac sign of Scorpio, to me is representing the eclipse energy. It is clearing away the false perceptions and facades to get down to what is real. The solar eclipse combined with the new moon in Scorpio, is calling our attention to an aspect of our life that would benefit from the result of a change. Whatever this is for you, the powers that be say its time and it may very well bring in a person, circumstance or situation that highlights a hard truth that in turn, challenges you to make a change or a choice. This is the “mirror moment” breakthrough that shakes you out of the 9 of cups reversed.

The Queen of Pentacles is a lovely final outcome card. Yes, she is a Queen, but she is not hidden away in a lavish castle, nor do we see an abundance of material possessions in this image. She has high standards, but is practical and grounded at the same time. Oftentimes, she comes up in my readings when someone is, or needs to, focus on their health or on practical matters concerning their home, business, money or family. She can also reflect a strong feminine presence/matriarch at home or work (or both). This is echoed by the Goddess oracle card grounding the reading “healing feminine energy”.

What are you ready to release, change or transform in your life?

To work with this energy, get two candles (one black, one white) and two small pieces of paper. Write down what you want to release on one piece of paper. Light the black candle. Then light the petition with the flame of the black candle and allow it to burn to ash in a fireproof container. Do this BEFORE the time of the eclipse. After the eclipse is over, write down what you want to bring into your life on the second piece of paper. Light the white candle. Then light the petition and allow it to burn to ash in a fireproof container. I recommend using chime or tealite candles so you can allow them to burn out on their own. Feel free to journal any insights you receive during this time.

Incense recommendations: Frankincense & Myrrh, Copal, Dragons Blood, Cinnamon

Crystals: Moonstone, septarian, black obsidian, bloodstone, clear quartz, malachite.

Have a great week!