Tarot forecast 9/5-9/11/22: Shadows, light, mercury retrograde

Two of swords, the moon & the sun reversed

Hi everyone! Here is your tarot forecast for 9/5-9/11/22:

The moon continues to increase its frequency as it travels through the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces this week, ending its waxing cycle with the full moon in the sign of mysterious Pisces on Saturday. The full moon occurs the day after Mercury goes into retrograde. A full moon and mercury retrograde so close together can certainly pack a “one-two punch”, which can catch us off guard. But this cosmic energy is being nicely balanced with both the Sun and Venus in the practical earth sign of Virgo. Slow down, stay calm and you’ll be fine. Let’s get to the reading…

Moon in Capricorn: Two of swords. At the beginning of the week, it would seem that some of you are at a crossroads of some sort resulting in a temporary stalemate. There are two options, but which one is correct? You may seek or receive advice from trusted source(s), but ultimately it is your decision. This will not go away on its own, it could even become more difficult as time goes on. So, a plan of action or a choice will be necessary. It is important that YOU make the decision to avoid having someone or a circumstance make it for you. You got this. Find a quiet space without distractions so you can think clearly. Drop into your heart space and tune into your intuition. Put your psychic antennas up, higher guidance is available if you ask for it.

Moon in Aquarius: The Moon. Things may get a little darker towards the middle of the week as the energies progress from the two of swords to The Moon. Shadow and light, dreams, illusions, lies, truth. The Moon in Aquarius can be strange indeed, and let’s not forget we have Mercury Retrograde peeking around the corner! Texts and emails should be proofread more than once before sending. Conversations and/or oral agreements should be followed up in writing to avoid misunderstandings. Trust your instincts, if something appears “off” make a note of it. Do yourself a favor and keep idle chit chat to a minimum this week, especially at work. The potential is there for you or maybe someone else, to inadvertently overshare. As well, do not partake in any kind of gossip or drama, as it could escalate quickly. Look at the image in this card. See how the crawfish is following the path laid out before it? My advice to you is along those same lines. Stay in your own lane as much as possible. You’ll be glad you did!

Moon in Pisces: The Sun reversed. The Sun is still the sun, but when it is in the reversed position, it indicates there could be a few clouds in the forecast. I feel the end of the week is when a decision, truth or information may come to light. It may not be exactly the outcome that you would have preferred, but you are still A-okay. Things are still on track, but there may be a delay. With Mercury retrograde fresh and active, perhaps something needs to be re-evaluated or reviewed again before proceeding further. The Sun, whether upright or reversed is a good sign. You end the week, much more savvy and confident than when you started. Have a great week everyone! 😊❤️🌙🌕♑️♒️♓️

Tarot Forecast 8/29-9/4/22: Integrity, value, authority.

Powerful cards this week: The Emperor, Seven of Wands, The Hierophant

We just had the new moon in Virgo on August 27th wherein we had the opportunity to set a new intention. This week, the moon is in its waxing (increasing) phase as it travels through the signs of Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. These tarot cards (Emperor, Seven of Wands, Hierophant) reflect powerful energies corresponding to the signs of Aries, Leo and Taurus. The words integrity, valor and authority are coming to mind as the overall theme for this reading.

Moon in Libra – The Emperor. Consistency, focus, leadership and discipline is the message from The Emperor for the beginning of the week. Set appropriate boundaries and stick to them. You may be in a leadership role or the main decision maker at home or work. Or this card can reflect someone in your life with these qualities. Some of you may have recently been promoted. You may need to set some rules or re-establish your authority within your relationships, at work or in a situation. Don’t assume people know what you want. Communicate your expectations clearly. Be firm but fair.

Moon in Scorpio: In the middle of the week, the Seven of Wands indicates that your resolve may be tested. You may be required to defend your position. Have the courage to face this challenge head-on, sooner is better than later. If this is a serious concern, it may be time to take this to a higher level such as human resources, a lawyer, therapist, supervisor, etc. On a lesser scale, stand up and speak up. This is the perfect opportunity to establish yourself as someone that is to be respected. This is a card of holding one’s ground. It’s a fiery combination of Mars in Leo. You can win this! Fortune favors the brave.

Moon in Sagittarius: At the end of the week, The Hierophant upright is a good sign! It denotes integrity and moral values. Whatever you were going through this week, your actions were justified. I also see this as the truth coming out in a situation. No matter what the outcome was, you won this one, because you stood up for yourself and made sure your voice was heard. Even if this was not necessarily a monumental life event, it may very well have resulted in an important spiritual growth lesson for you.

Have a great week everyone! ❤️