Tarot forecast: One door closes, another one opens

An ending is the bridge between the four of pentacles and the 9 of pentacles!

Hi everyone this is Christine aka Texas Tarot Lady with your tarot forecast for this week!

The moon is continuing its waning transit as we approach eclipse season beginning with a new moon solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 25th. This powerful transit offers us a chance for a “reboot” on a primal level. I feel the cards that came out today reflect this energy coming into our awareness. Think of this period of time as “prep work”. Whitewashing the canvas so that we can go deep within the womb of the new moon to contemplate ideas for the new picture that we are about to paint.

This week’s message:

The four of pentacles and the ten of swords combined in this reading, indicates that something has run its course. You may be holding on or staying for just a little longer, hoping the situation improves or for a more mundane, practical reason. For others of you, the four of pentacles tells me that you have set some money aside for a rainy day, knowing this situation was not going to last long term. In other words, you saw the writing on the wall and prepared accordingly. The four of pentacles while holding tight now, soon will be required to let the process unfold as there is something new approaching on the horizon. Let’s touch on the ten of swords for a moment…

I often refer to the ten of swords as the “stick a fork in me I’m done” card in my readings. It’s the final blow in a situation, or it can indicate the end of overthinking. The image is rough, but it brings relief. Notice the “blessings” symbol that the character is making with his right hand. It’s a small detail, but important. My eye was drawn to this as I glanced at the next card, the nine of pentacles. This ending is the catalyst that allows something much better to come in.

The nine of pentacles is an auspicious sign. It is one of my favorite cards in the tarot. I often refer to her as my independent woman or female entrepreneur card. She has a deep appreciation for the finer things in life, including herself! In fact, her self-worth is the key to her success. After all, if you do not value yourself, who else will? She has an eye for beauty which can indicate that a creative hobby or side business has the potential to grow over time. It can also indicate a successful professional career and/or investments. She is a reflection of high standards, prosperity, confidence and grace. Her success has been built over time. She’s a mature woman that is at the point in her life where she is enjoying the blessings of her achievements. Not too shabby, I must say!

Grounding the reading is the four of cups. Here we have the card of perception and attitude. Compare this card and the ten of swords above it. The ten of swords literally has ten swords in his back, yet still has his eye on the horizon. Tomorrow is a new day full of possibilities. In the four of cups, the young man has opportunities sitting in front of him, as well as has a divine hand offering him another. But in his apathy, he doesn’t even bother to look up. Which one of these cards do you identify with at the moment? Is your cup half full or half empty?

One door closes and another one opens is the theme for this reading. Perhaps you will need to crawl through a window, I don’t know. But there does appear to be a favorable outcome and/or avenue for success here that may require a different approach. Stay open. Be willing to invest in yourself. The Divine has something “more” in mind for you. More than what you had in mind for yourself.

Zodiac signs in this reading: Capricorn, Gemini, Virgo, Cancer

Date correspondences: Jan.10-19, June 11-20, July 12-21, Sept.2-11

Have a wonderful week! 🙂❤️

Tarot message for 9/19-9/25/22: Two of Pentacles & “Spirit”

Two of Pentacles & Spirit oracle card

Hi everyone, things are a little bit hectic on the homestead this week, so I am going to keep this short with a one tarot card and one oracle card pull for this week’s message:

Two of Pentacles & “Spirit” Heavenly assistance from your angels and guides:

I think all of us can sympathize with the character in the two of pentacles card. His hands are full as he is juggling work, school, responsibilities, a budget, time for family, etc. It often seems that there are not enough hours in the day. I often refer to the two of pentacles as the multi-tasking card.

The message that is sometimes overlooked here, is that this character is artfully skilled at balancing all that needs to be done. Kudos to you! But it is advised not to take on anything else at the moment. This may require you to put less important tasks on the back burner for now, until this settles down or is concluded.

You’ve got this, but it’s kind of like walking on a tightrope. It’s tricky, as you are making adjustments with each step. So you are going to need to carefully focus on keeping your feet underneath you. Usually, the two of pentacles denotes a relatively temporary situation that is challenging, but certainly doable.

Notice the infinity symbol that is wrapped around the two pentacles. The oracle card “Spirit” is an interesting message as the infinity symbol in the tarot denotes connection to the infinite possibilities of the universe/divine, as well as a connection to the higher spirit realms. If you are pulling double duty right now, you may be asking, how long can I keep this going? Your answer from spirit is “as long as it takes to get through this, or to get this done”. You are supported by spirit, so be sure and ask for divine help and guidance if needed. Remember, they will not interfere unless you ask!

I often see this card come up for clients when they are burning the candle at both ends. Working during the day and going to school at night. Single parents, I’m sure you can identify with this image, as well as those that may be caring for elderly parents, young children or family members that need help. These are just a few examples to help you understand the tone of this card.

The last message is to be sure that you are finding a healthy balance between your responsibilities and own well-being. It’s easy to forget about yourself when you are focusing on the juggling act at hand. Remember, you are a crucial component in all of this. Take care of yourself. ❤️

Have a wonderful week everyone!