One card quick message: The Five of Cups

The Five of Cups from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

The Five of Cups is the card that came out today. Let’s look carefully at the image in this card. We see a character mourning the loss of three spilled cups and behind him, we see two cups that are still standing. This card speaks of a loss as well as the grieving process. Sadness has overcome this character for the moment, as he is working through his emotions, trying to deal with the fact that something has ended. Oftentimes in a reading, this can signify a relationship break-up or a death in the family for example. But it can also indicate any other type of loss that has had a significant emotional impact.

This card reminds us that yes, allow yourself time to grieve. However try not to stay there too long. For all is not lost. The two upright cups behind him, on the right side of the card, signify the return to an emotionally balanced state and also of moving forward.

It is only when the character finally turns around, that he notices the two remaining cups as well as the bridge behind him. As he picks up the two cups, perfectly balanced, one in each hand, and crosses the bridge over the troubled waters of the past, he is walking in the direction of the castle that represents a future filled with new opportunities and possibilities.

If you are reading this, I hope this message was helpful…