This week’s message: Protection in your circle

Video version of this week’s post
Queen of Swords reversed came up this week! Be aware…

This week’s message is to protect your energy in your “circle” i.e., the area of relationships. This does not necessarily only pertain to partners in love, this can apply to any area in one’s life wherein you are relating with others. Any group dynamic: Work, family, business partners, departments, group projects, etc.

The Queen of Swords reversed, can indicate someone who is overly critical, demanding and/or insecure. This person may treat others unkindly and then make excuses for their behavior. In a work, group or career situation, the Queen of Swords reversed is the person who stabs others in the back to get ahead. Or she may put others down for their ideas and then turn around and present them as her own to receive the credit for them. She may abuse her authority and/or position. This person feels threatened when others are in the limelight. The Queen of Swords reversed has a lot of insecurities underneath her persona. Make no mistake though, she got where she is by being smart and cunning. Do not underestimate this person. This is someone who needs to be handled very carefully. They can do a lot of damage with that sword.

As we move on, next we see the six of wands, in the center of the reading, riding towards the three of pentacles. Protect your precious ideas and plans. If you are currently on the receiving end of this Queen of Swords reversed energy, know there is a reason for it. You are confident and self-assured because your ideas are good! You may be receiving positive attention and respect from others for them. Perhaps you just got a promotion or are being considered for one. This can be enough to attract the “evil eye” from others that may be envious of your success and/or your current path.

In close, interpersonal relationships, you may have someone around you that tends to be critical of you and/or your ideas. You may want to keep your plans to yourself for now, at least until they are a little further along.

It’s better to share with others “what you have accomplished”, rather than “what you are planning to do”.

Hold your head high and keep moving forward. Above all, do not let negativity from the Queen of Swords reversed creep in, which may tempt you to stoop to their level. The two of swords underneath this reading indicates that one should pause and think before making decisions and/or taking action this week. With the Queen of Swords reversed in this reading, you may not have all the facts, or perhaps the information you have received is incorrect or misguided. On the other hand, it is advised that you keep your own words to a minimum.

So this week, it is advised for you to be aware of whom you share your creative ideas and future plans with. Somebody in your circle may not have your back right now. This is certainly not to make anyone paranoid, just aware. This is a general reading, so this message may or may not be applicable to you. Please use your discernment.

As a final note, today, Mars is in the 4th deacon of Libra. This corresponds to the four of swords. Fiery Mars is being asked to lay low this week. The four of swords is a card of self-care, renewal and also one of tapping into one’s higher self, divine spirit, angels and guides. It is an energy of quiet contemplation. You will be glad that you kept things “cool” this week! We’ve have some interesting astrological transits coming up in November. These energies will very likely disclose some information that will prove revealing to say the least.

I hope this reading was helpful! Have a great week!

If you would like to book a personal reading with me, my contact information is below.
