Tarot message for this week: Let it go and begin your hero’s journey

Tarot message for the week of 10/18/21

This week the theme is forgiveness. I do not mean forget by any means, but The Hierophant is asking you to come to a deeper understanding of what you have learned and to grow from it.

The Queen of Swords reversed can be an angry, internalized energy. Her bitterness over what happened in the past clouds her judgement. Instead of acknowledging the wisdom of the experience and using it to elevate herself, she keeps her minds eye in the past, wherein her perception of how powerful she truly is becomes distorted.

We see the Knight of Cups riding forward indicating movement. The truth is, no matter how much we long to, we cannot change the past. The full moon in Aries this week on October 20th, which is occurring just a few days before Scorpio season, is encouraging you to initiate a new cycle. If you are resonating with this reading, spirit has been showing you this entire time, that you have what it takes to be your own hero. And the full moon in Aries is giving you the courage to have faith in yourself and to begin the hero’s journey. 

Have a wonderful week everyone!