This week: What is casting a shadow on your sun?

Eight of Swords reversed and The Sun reversed this week.

Is there something that you are holding on to that no longer suits you, but you are having mental and/or emotional challenges regarding releasing it? This push/pull effect on our psyche can result in one feeling “trapped” or “stagnant”.

The first two cards in this reading are numbers 8 + 4, This adds up to number 12 which corresponds to the Hanged Man in the major arcana. The Hanged Man is a card of taking a pause to look at something from a different perspective. I find it interesting that the Eight of Swords has come out reversed here, which puts her in a similar position as The Hanged Man. But, as you can see, the characters have two very different perspectives regarding their current predicament.

The Eight of Swords next to The Hanged Man

In this reading, the Universe is asking you to release fear and see your circumstances within a more proportionate frame of reference. In otherwords, are you thinking in terms of what-ifs and worst-case scenarios?

The number eight corresponds with the eighth house of Scorpio. Although the eight of swords is not technically a Scorpio card, one can see the psychological energetic ties to this energy within its image. Deep psychology, death, hidden fears, the shadow realms, etc. It can get pretty dark and scary in there… Do not despair, the Eight of Swords reversed indicates you are not a victim. You have more power than you think. You just don’t see it…. Yet…… 🦋

The Sun reversed supports this theme. The Sun is a positive card regardless of its position, but when it is reversed, I tend to read it as there is some cloud cover blocking its optimism.

The Universe is asking you to challenge the validity of your self-doubt. As we have the waning moon in Scorpio Monday and Tuesday this week, this energy presents an opportunity to analyze where this is coming from. Most likely, this is an emotional chord linked to a trauma from the past that at this point in your life, no longer holds truth for you.

We have a waning crescent moon in Sagittarius on Thursday. Sagittarius corresponds to the Temperance card. If you have a tarot deck, I recommend you pull this card and meditate on its symbolism and meaning. There is an opportunity for some amazing spiritual alchemy this week! Archangel Michael is the angel depicted in Temperance. Call on this powerful force of the Divine to aid you in the process of transmuting self-doubt into confidence and faith in yourself. ❤

Have a wonderful week everyone ❤🙏🦋❤

Temperance from the Major Arcana

Disclaimer: My tarot readings are for personal inspiration and/or entertainment purposes only. Also, please use your discernment, as these are general messages. A tarot reading should NOT be construed as a replacement for licensed conventional legal, medical or mental health advice.