Tarot Message this week: You are worth it…

The Five of Swords, The Empress & Page of Pentacles

The Empress is a card of creation, nature, and beauty. Ruled by Venus, this divine feminine, embodies abundance and self-love. Look how relaxed she is. She is not a machine – go, go, go. She is nature. And nature is not full speed ahead all of the time. It ebbs and flows in cycles.

I feel that in this reading today, she is saying that you require some “me” time this week. And more importantly, you are to be okay with it. There is no need to explain, no excuses, no guilt. The Empress says “you are worth it”.

I love the Page of Pentacles card grounding this reading. Isn’t she beautiful? She appears to be in a modified “tree” yoga position. Balanced, full of potential, optimistic. She gives me a “tribal” sort of vibe. Her unique gifts and talents are an asset to herself and others. They are the keys to manifesting abundance in her life. But only if she takes care of herself first. She is but just a Page. She must take care not to burn herself out. And more importantly she must be careful not to squander her potential on those that do not appreciate it. I find it interesting that she too, is out in nature, just like The Empress card above her.

What’s with the Five of Swords here? I sometimes refer to the Five of Swords as the “screw you” card. But I don’t recommend you tell anyone off this week! (laugh). However, this could indicate a more direct approach is required to cut some circumstances, people, or prior commitments out of your life that are draining you. The Empress is very generous, the Page of Pentacles is young and energetic, but even they have their limits.

We have the quirky, innovative Aquarius New Moon this week, coinciding closely with the Chinese New Year in the sign of the powerful Water Tiger. These are additional energies coming in serving as an energetic “push” to aid you in making any changes that you wish to make to allow space for other, more positive experiences to come in to your life.

People grow, develop other interests. This is normal. If you are ready to do something else. It’s all good. People will get over it. You cannot be all things to all people, as if you try, you will lose yourself in the process.

The Empress does not exhaust herself to “prove” her worth to anyone. She is enough. You are enough. You are always enough. ❤🦋❤🌷❤

Have a great week everyone! ❤