This week: It requires a practical, mature approach…

Tarot message for this week. Expect the unexpected.

The Tower indicates there may be a shakeup this week. The four of pentacles is letting you know that there is a particular focus on finances. Plan a budget and stick to it. Be very mindful of the frenetic energy swirling around us this time of year that encourages people to stress out and overspend.   

The Tower and the four of pentacles are encouraging you be frugal with your finances, so that you are not caught off guard should something unexpected come up. Do not spend money on the premise of an expected bonus, job or raise. It may not come through or may be delayed. If extra finances do come in,  consider putting it in savings, instead of spending it.  Fours correspond with The Emperor in the Major Arcana. This denotes a mature, responsible approach in regards to a situation. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. And you will weather any storm that comes about with stability and grace.

Some of you may have a sudden insight and make the decision this week to break out of traditional holiday festivities this year. Most likely due to finances and/or travel restrictions. Sit down and come up with a plan that works for you. This is a practical matter, not one of the heart. Some of you will incorporate technology into your plans. Although you may receive some resistance at first from those you love, you are in a strong position to shift this matter into a positive direction. A win-win compromise that is more in alignment with our current social paradigm.

I hope this message was helpful, have a great week!