Six of Cups: Holidays and Exes – Oh My!

Six of cups can indicate the return of people from the past….
Video version of blog post

I got the feeling that somebody needed to see this today….

The holidays… It’s not surprising that the six of cups comes up quite a bit in my readings this time of year within the context of relationships and ex-lovers. It’s easy to get swept up in the nostalgia of the season. Especially now, as depending on where you live, things may be opening back up. Friends, family, wine, twinkling lights, smiling faces, laughter, presents, mistletoe. There you are, holding a glass of wine, eating hors d’oeuvres having a good time.

The doorbell rings, and guess who comes walking in. Looking better than ever. Your eyes meet and here they come. Your heart skips a beat. Crap….

A casual conversation which leads to the question “Are you seeing anyone?” “No.” “Are you?” “No.” Or perhaps they say “not really”. You’re not sure what that means 🤔but you let it go. “Can I get you another drink?” “Sure.” 😈🍷🍸🍺

Next thing you know the night progresses and in a moment of weakness you do something that you regret later. I’m sure ya’ll meant what you said during those moments of passion. This time it will be different… 💕🎁💣⌚️💔

How many times as a tarot reader have I heard this story? Lots. Have I been there? Sure. We all have. I get it.

However, this time it will be different! Because you saw this post. Forewarned is forearmed!

If I have caught your attention, this is your message. Stop and think. Remember why they became your ex in the first place! They had their chance and blew it. And believe me, they don’t just look good to you. YOU LOOK GOOD TO THEM!!!

Have you forgotten how awesome you are? You are light years ahead of who you were back then. Of course they want you back!

Breathe, take a moment.

Remember how much inner work you did to get over that relationship? The strength it took for you to patch yourself back together. How you believed them when they said that YOU were the problem. As they gaslighted you and told you that you were crazy or paranoid. When you wondered if there truly was something wrong with you. Remember, when your chest literally hurt from the heartbreak, the tears, the anger. The times they ghosted you. When they made you feel like you were not worthy of love. The valuable insights you received from the experience. How you love yourself more than ever now because of it.

I am reminding you because I remember. I remember our tarot readings while you were going through all this. The tears, the denial. As you slowly began to realize how how beautiful, strong and powerful you are. That you never needed them. THEY NEEDED YOU. I watched your eyes light up as you came to this realization. You learned that self-love is the most powerful love of all. I watched you as you transformed into your own best friend. And that this is what opens the doors to healthy relationships. And that it is better to be alone, than to be with someone that is toxic for your soul.

You trust your intuition. You are much more confident now. You smile more. You may have even dated a few other people since then. We both laugh when the Universe sends you someone similar to your ex to test you to see if you are paying attention. Sort of like a pop quiz. Of course, you pass with flying colors. Only those worthy of all that you have to offer are allowed in. You send the rest packing as soon as the red flag appears.

Wow. You’ve come a long way! Tell me again, why are you going back to them?

Yeah, I didn’t think so either. 😉🦋❤️You got this! 😉🌲❤⭐