Card Reveal #3: Cards on the right – Ten of Wands (reversed) and White Swan

Ten of Wands (reversed) and White Swan from the Divine Feather Oracle

The Ten of Wands is a card of burden. Too many responsibilities, too many commitments, a demanding job with long work hours, an overworked mom, etc. Career wise, it’s success that comes with a price. It’s also a card of not accepting help from others. But this card is reversed. And when this card is reversed, I interpret it as dropping the wands. Which is very interesting considering the current circumstances that we are in!

I am seeing this energy with a lot of people right now. We have had time to think, slow down, spend time with our families, children, pets, etc. Evaluate our lives and what is important. As well as evaluate all the things we commit ourselves too, that in the long run do not serve us. We spread ourselves so thin, that it affects our energy and our health, as is shown in the image of this card.

Does your career and/or lifestyle leave you exhausted from running and running trying to “keep up”? Perhaps it’s time for a change. Drop some of those wands and give yourself a break. Literally and metaphorically. Maybe hand over a few of those wands to other people and let them share the load. We are not here to just work, eat, drive the kids around, and sleep. This is also a message that we cannot do everything alone. It’s okay to give ourselves permission to ask for help when we need it. Don’t be a martyr.

The saying “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” came to mind when I saw this card today.

The White Swan’s message “The power of divine grace is within you” is a reminder that we are all divine beings here to experience our life. We are here to LIVE LIFE!

If these were the cards that you chose, perhaps this message is resonating with you at this time. In the rush to get back to “what was”, ask yourself, what am I rushing back to? Is this what I truly want? Is what I was doing before making me happy? Is my career and personal life in balance? Is this the direction I want my future to take? Does my situation support me spiritually, emotionally as well as physically? What is the true cost of the material things in my life? Are they worth the price?

The White Swan is a powerful, majestic, beautiful bird. It is a reminder, that the divine is in all of us. We have the power to make changes and/or face challenges to align our path to where WE want it to go. The Swan is also a bird that signifies introspection, as it gazes at it’s reflection in the water.

The Ten of Wands reversed says that you are ready to let go of some of those wands!