Card Reveal #2: Cards in the middle – Ace of Wands and Starling

Ace of Wands and Starling from the Divine Feather Oracle

The Ace of Wands shows a Divine hand holding a wand with green leaves. This single wand signifies inner spirit, fire, passion, inspiration. This is the card of creators. What is it that gets you up in the morning? What is it that you are passionate about? Are you about to make a change? This card indicates the start of something new and exciting. Perhaps the time you have been spending in quarantine has given you some new ideas. The Ace of Wands is a confirmation that what you are thinking about starting or doing, is indeed something you should do! It is a sign to take that first step to bring your dreams into reality. Being a wand, which is a branch, is a reminder to start slowly. Trees do not grow overnight! Let things progress naturally, no need to rush. You may get in over your head if you go against the natural order in the way that this is meant to unfold. Start small and let it grow.

The Starling is an active, lively, social bird. This card’s message “Now is the time to get out into the world and connect in authentic ways” fits perfect with the Ace of Wands. As both of these cards are an indication of action, inspiration, motivation, group and community, this is a message to find like-minded individuals like yourself. Your ideas and/or talents are a gift! Share them with people that will appreciate them and inspire you to grow.

The Ace of Wands and The Starling are cards of encouragement. The message: Yes, take that first step!