The Dragon Awakens. Aquarius New Moon & 2024 Year of the Dragon.

Aquarius New Moon on 2/9/24 & Year the Dragon begins 2/10/24

On February 9th, the new moon in the sign of innovative and forward-thinking Aquarius, marks the beginning of the 2024 lunar new year. This event sets the stage for a powerful frequency shift within the collective, as this new moon closely coincides with the Chinese New Year on February 10th. wherein we move into the year of the powerful and dynamic Yang Wood Dragon.

New Moon in Aquarius: Saturn & Uranus. Two sides, one coin.

The sign of Aquarius is traditionally ruled by Saturn. Its modern ruling planet Uranus is a recent construct. So, it behooves us to approach this sign with a dual perspective.

Saturn in Aquarius is a stark reminder that for true progress to occur, we must learn from the past so that we do not repeat the same mistakes. Saturn also puts Aquarius in touch with reality, by asking it the tough questions. High ideals, technology, new strategies, plans, dreams, and goals are great in theory or on paper, but do they pass the test when they are put into practical application? As well as, what infrastructure or upgrades are required so things works as intended?

On the flip side, Uranus, Aquarius’ modern ruler

Saturn in Aquarius in it’s shadow aspect, can be overly restrictive. Preferring to stay with outdated traditions, laws or institutions that have not kept up with modern times. It may attempt to impede progress to maintain the “status quo”. This is where the modern planetary ruler Uranus comes in to shake things up! Its progressive and youthful innovative qualities encourage “out of the box” ideas and solutions. While its humanitarian nature inspires us to think outside of ourselves and consider the bigger picture.

Year of the Dragon – February 10th, 2024:

The Year of the Dragon commences on February 10th. In Chinese astrology, the Dragon is a symbol of power, strength, and good fortune. The 2024 Dragon, is of the wood element. It is a masculine “yang” energy that infuses the collective with vitality, courage, and auspicious opportunities.

When a seed is planted, it temporarily lays dormant in the soil. Meanwhile, it may endure hardships such as frozen ground, floods, drought, etc. But the little seed is patient, strong and resilient. When the conditions are right and the opportunity presents itself, the little seed doesn’t hesitate! It reaches for the sun and grows!

The Year of the Wood Dragon is much like this. It is a formidable force that represents the cycle of growth, great change and transformation, both individually and collectively. Its symbolism very much reminds me of the wands suit in the tarot.

A powerful combination

The New Moon in Aquarius and the transition to the Year of the Dragon on consecutive days is a cosmic push from the universe! It invites us to heal and revitalize our spirits, by encouraging us to initiate positive, progressive changes, as well as transform former challenges into victories. The potency of this combination is heightened by the rarity of the Wood Dragon, which only graces us with its presence approximately every 60 years.

So yes, this is a big deal.

Tips for working with this energy:

1. Set Intentions: Take time during the new moon to set clear and focused intentions. Consider how your success can make a positive contribution to the community or the collective.

2. Embrace Change: The Aquarian energy encourages innovation and change. Be open to unconventional ideas and approaches, and embrace opportunities that encourage you to step outside your comfort zone.

3. Tap into Dragon Energy: Harness the archetype of the Dragon throughout the year. Be bold in pursuing your dreams, and channel it’s strength to overcome obstacles and challenges. As a reminder, wear dragon themed jewelry and/or have dragon items in your space and/or on your altar.

4. Connect with Community: Both Aquarius and the Dragon are associated with community, healing, and collective endeavors. Seek out group collaberations, build supportive networks, and find creative ways to use a special talent or skill to contribute to your community or the greater good.

Crystal Correspondences: Septarian, jade, bloodstone, tigers eye, moss agate, green aventurine, red jasper.

May we all be blessed with growth, blessings, love and opportunities, as we dance with the dragon in 2024.. ❤🐉♒️