Tarot message for the week of 5/31/22 w/an emphasis on the Gemini New Moon

Page of Pentacles – Good news, a new beginning

The Gemini new moon combined with Clean it up and The Page of Pentacles has ushered in a breath of fresh air this week! Be prepared to receive good news regarding a practical matter such as a raise, promotion, an offer on your home, approval of a loan, acceptance into a college or school, etc. Once the ball starts rolling, things will move quickly. Mercury is in retrograde for a few more days, however, so be sure to pay particular attention to details this week. Take the time to review and proofread any documents and/or communications before signing or sending. On a final note, this week is an auspicious time to clear out the clutter and get organized. If you are beginning a new cycle in your life, it will not serve your best interest to mix too much old with the new. A clear space supports a clear mind. Have a great week!