New Moon in Capricorn

The tenacious mountain goat is most often associated with the zodiac sign Capricorn

New Moon in Capricorn:

New moons are for new beginnings and setting new intentions. Capricorn is the zodiac sign associated with earthly matters. It is concerned about what is “tangible and real” and is reserved with its emotions.

Its an ambitious energy with a relentless drive to achieve its goals. Which is why the mountain goat is the animal most often associated with this sign.

Some keywords that describe Capricorn are: Money, drive, career, reputation, fame, success, ambition, determination, long term goals, structure, discipline, contracts, accountability, business, strategy, investments, financial security, commitments, and accomplishments.

This new moon in Capricorn is an ideal energy to work with to plant the seeds of your 2022 New Years intentions.

Below are some journal prompts for the New Moon which may help you focus your intent. Pulling a tarot card for each of these prompts would be a great exercise as well. Of course, this is just a suggestion. As the saying goes, you do you. 😊

What is my overall intention for 2022 (big picture)?

How can I apply the wisdom from what I have learned in 2021 to aid my success in 2022?

What are some things I can do to keep myself motivated and on track this year?

Where would I like to see myself in the next six months?

Where would I like to see myself in the next three months?

What is the first step in achieving this goal?

What can I do within the next 30 days to move closer to or accomplish this first step?

Theme colors for Capricorn: Earthy colors such as brown, tan, green, dark green, gray, black, white. If financial goals are your main focus, add the color gold and use generous amounts of the color green. ❤

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