Message from the Seven of cups with the Queen of Swords.

Seven of Cups with Queen of Swords. Choose a cup and move forward!

The cards I pulled today were the Seven of Cups with the Queen of Swords at the bottom of the deck. The message here is you have many choices in front of you at the moment. You may be confused as to which direction you need to take or which is the best course of action. The Queen of Swords as a clarifier for the Seven of Cups is a message for you to narrow your focus and make a decision about what it is you want.

You may be overthinking here. I see the Seven of Cups as the “deer in the headlights” card. Feeling overwhelmed, confused, suffering from over analysis paralysis. This is also a card of worrying, and/or being apprehensive about a situation, which ends up making it much bigger in our minds than what it truly is in reality.

The Queen of Swords is a combination of intuition, clarity and focus. Cut away the distractions and options that are not in line with your goals. Use the Queen’s intuition to go within and see the truth about what it is that you want. Then take her sword and cut away that which is what you don’t want. Once you have chosen your “cup”, you will begin to move forward with focus and purpose. It’s time to make a decision and act on it. If there is something that you have been putting off that is weighing on your mind, this is a message to get it done so you can put it behind you and be finished with it.

I am also getting a message of too many distractions taking your focus away from what it is you want to do. Social media, tv, too much time on our phones, etc. can have an impact on our thoughts and our motivation. They are also “time bandits”. How many of us have sat down to check our social media sites only to look up and see that two hours have passed! The Queen of Swords is a message to be more disciplined with our time and mental energy.

Another message may be that it is time for some of us to de-clutter. We are coming up upon the end of the year. This is a good time to go through our environment and discard that which we are no longer using that is cluttering up our space. Donate those items and be sure to get a receipt so you can record it on your tax return. Or sell some items and have some extra cash in your pocket for the holidays.

By clearing your environment, you will clear your mind. Giving you a fresh perspective that will allow you to focus on your goals for the end of 2019 as well as what it is you want to accomplish for 2020.