Let’s meet The Queen of Swords

The Queen of Spades (Swords) card from the Illuminated Tarot deck and The Queen of Swords from the Rider Waite Smith deck

For a unique visual comparison, here are the Queen of Spades (Swords) from the Illuminated Tarot deck and the Queen of Swords from the Rider Waite Smith deck.

The Queen of Swords is the most masculine, feminine archetype in the tarot. The Queen of Swords embodies feminine intellect, compassion and connection combined with objectivity, strategy, intelligence and ambition.

When I see this card, I think of successful mature women in positions of authority in the corporate business world, judges, surgeons and successful entrepreneurs. That sort of energy and drive that leads to success. She is respected as an expert in her field. Her success did not come easy though. It was earned through hard work, education, focus, and courage. Her tenacity and intellect was how she succeeded, in spite of insurmountable odds against her.

She does what she needs to do to accomplish her goals or to make it through a situation. She keeps her eye on the prize with laser sharp focus. She has been through a lot, we see this by looking at the traces of rope that still remain on her wrists. But she does not wallow in self-pity. She used those experiences as lessons that made her the strong, successful woman that we see in this card. We don’t know who she WAS, but she is a Queen NOW.

As I look at the Queen of Spades card on the left, I am reminded of Joan of Arc. She embodied some powerful Queen of Swords energy! She did what she had to do to accomplish her goals. And if that meant, cutting her hair and posing as a man to get it done, well so be it! The Queen of Swords energy does not back down in the face of adversity.

I wonder, who is it that we cannot see, that is standing in front of this powerful woman in this image? You can bet, if one goes in front of the Queen of Swords you better “come correct”. She can see your BS coming from a mile away! She’s brutally honest with you, and she expects the same honesty in return. She knows the game, and you can bet she plays it better than you. Save your sweet talking for someone else. She has no time for that.

This is not the character you go to if you need a nurturing hug! But if you need some good advice from someone who has seen it and been through it, this is your lady. Be ready though, because she tells it like it is!

Look at the image closely. The small detail of the cut ropes on her wrists tells her story. She was not always a Queen. At one time, she was bound, just like many of us were or are. She shows us that not letting our emotions get the better of us, is the key to our freedom and success. Sometimes, we must rely on our head, not our hearts. Suck it up, make that tough decision and do what must be done. Use that sword!

No, the Queen of Swords did not wait for a hero to save her. She saved herself.

And when she realized just how powerful she is, she became a Queen.