Interactive Tarot Reading: Which crystal sphere holds a message for you?

Meditate on this image. Choose from rose quartz (left), hematite (center) or carnelian (right)

Take a moment, relax and look at the image above. Which crystal sphere are you drawn to? From left to right: Rose Quartz, Hematite or Carnelian. Underneath each sphere is a tarot card and a crystal oracle card. Below are the messages for each one.

Are you ready?

Card position #1 Rose Quartz Sphere: Malachite & The Magician

Malachite crystal oracle card with The Magician (healing & transformation)

As The Magician gazes upon The Malachite crystal, he sees the gift that has been left for him. This powerful stone’s healing energy has the ability to penetrate through the layers (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual), to bring healing and transformation. The Magician harnesses the vibration of Malachite today to assist you on your path. He asks you to be patient. Do what you can to help yourself during the process. You may be receiving messages to slow down, relax and start to make more healthy choices around your food and lifestyle. It is important that the body is healthy in order for you to be able to hear the intuitive messages from your soul. You are being encouraged to let go of old patterns that do not serve you anymore. Let the light of healing into all aspects of your being. Be loving and patient with yourself as you embark on this powerful journey.

Card position #2 Hematite Sphere: Stibnite & The Five of Swords

Stibnite crystal oracle card with Five of Swords (conflict and higher perspective)

Who is this dark angel that gazes upon the Stibnite crystal? Is he the triumphant victor or is he the defeated one? The five of swords is a sign of discord and conflict. Survival is the name of the game here. Depending on one’s perspective, one can identify with the victor – winning at all costs, or the defeated who has made the choice to walk away to preserve their integrity, or even perhaps their sanity. Stibnite’s energy can sometimes feel a bit sharp. But its vibration encourages one to look at any internal or external conflict in your life. Stibnite’s powerful vibration gives you the courage and strength to face any situation. The Five of Swords and Stibnite encourage you to see it for what it is. A beacon of light shining on something that requires more attention. Is there a lesson in this for you? Take a step back and detach from the drama for a while. Allow yourself to see things from a higher perspective. Tune deeply into your own intuition before you move forward.

Card position #3 Carnelian Sphere: Diopside & The Wheel of Fortune

Diopside crystal oracle card with The Wheel of Fortune (connection and awareness)

The Wheel of Fortune appears next to the Diopside crystal to remind us that we are all deeply connected and aligned with the heart of the Earth. Take some time out and observe the beauty of nature that is around you. Even if you live in the city, nature is there. Look at how dandelions grow in the cracks of the sidewalk. See how the birds build nests in the crevices of buildings. Mother Earth speaks to us all the time, however we must be open to hear her. Not through our ears, but through our intuition, our heart and soul. The Wheel of Fortune is a card about destiny. But what is destiny but the weaving of life’s threads coming together through fate, turning points, choices, movement, change, patterns and cycles in an interconnected world. The Wheel of Fortune, just like Mother Earth is in perpetual motion. When we realize this, we understand that we have the power to make changes in our lives, by redirecting the flow of this energy. We do it every day, albeit unconsciously through our thoughts, habits, perceptions, what we see, what we allow ourselves to believe. All these vibrations effect the turning of our own karmic wheel. Diopside and The Wheel of Fortune encourages you to become a conscious observer. Experiment, try implementing one small positive change in your life. Watch what happens. Pay attention to the synchronicities that line up to present favorable opportunities that have the potential to manifest amazing things for you!