Happy Mother’s Day

The Empress from the “After Tarot” deck and “Gaia” from Love Your Inner Goddess Oracle

Today, is a celebration of the beauty of the Empress. The Mother in all her forms. Without the role of the Mother, there is no physical manifestation. She literally “gives birth” to creation. The Mother is the bridge/link between the realm of spirit (divine) and the physical world.

And when the creation is birthed into the world, it is the Mother that cares for it until it is strong enough to care for itself.

Is there any energy more pure than a mother’s love for her child?

The mother is vastly underappreciated in our society. To me, every day is Mother’s Day! A mother is always a mother. She doesn’t take “time off” from her role, ever. There is also no time limit either on the mother’s love for her children. Even when they are grown adults, they are still “her babies”.

Every mother is an “Empress”. Not a Queen, an Empress.

May all the mothers out there be celebrated like royalty today and every day!

Happy Mother’s Day !!