From the Eight of Swords to a Queen. Breaking the cycle.

Wow! A powerful spread of cards! Eight of Swords to the Queen of Swords!

A powerful message came through the cards today!

The numbered cards in the top row show an interesting trend. 8+9 =17, which in numerology brings us right back to the eight. Round and round…..

I received the message of repeating cycles in relationships. Here we see the Knight of Swords is swiftly leaving the scene, leaving our “damsel in distress” standing within eight swords that surround her. But let’s take a closer look at the eight of swords card, shall we? Her legs are not bound, and there is no one guarding her. She has the ability to walk out of the predicament that she is in. She does not “see” that the only one keeping her there is herself!

The Hermit is shining his light of wisdom on the eight of swords, encouraging her to look within to find her inner strength. To go deep within, and acknowledge the subconscious programs that are silently running in the background which can result in self-sabotaging cycles of behavior that keep one “stuck”. Outdated beliefs, childhood traumas, not so great past relationships, etc. can certainly take their toll on the psyche.

But when we have finally had enough, and choose the path of healing ourselves, rather than looking to others to “complete” us, a remarkable thing happens. We discover the strength that is within ourselves. We stop the cycle! We realize we are important, we have a voice, we are beautiful in who we are! We acknowledge parts of ourselves that we refused to see before. Instead of hiding our scars, we grow from them. We embrace them. For those experiences are what made us who we are.

This is where the blindfold comes off and our “damsel in distress” walks right out of those eight swords! She follows the light of The Hermit like a lighthouse beacon to a better future. Now, it won’t be easy, we all have our “moments”, as is shown in the next card in the swords suit progression, the nine of swords. But that’s okay. Because this brings you another step closer to the ten (10=1) endings and beginnings.

Things are looking up now. You begin to love yourself. The way, in the past, you wished others would have loved you. You buy something special just for you. You take yourself out on dates. Out to dinner, to a movie. You realize you can do this. You go to the beach and then go on vacation. By yourself. And it’s okay, because you are not alone. You have YOU.

This is where you finally put the past behind you, pick up the Ace of Swords and wield it like the badass that you are! Your relationships from this point forward will be nothing like they were in the past. Because you are no longer the eight of swords. You are much wiser now. Confident. Stronger. Smarter.

Congratulations. You have transformed yourself into The Queen of Swords.